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A Gate and a Path

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.  But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.

Matthew 7:13-14 NLT

Everything about God’s Kingdom is available to anyone, anywhere, anytime, through Jesus Christ. He is the way, truth, and life. Ultimately following Jesus ends up in an eternal place named heaven. Heaven is filled with unending creation and life.

Everything about destruction is available to anyone, anywhere, anytime, through a broad highway of choices that are easy to choose and follow. Ultimately, this broad highway ends up in an eternal place named hell. Hell is filled with unending destruction and death.

The way into God’s kingdom is described as a narrow gate. Literally, it is one gate in the person of Jesus Christ. The path is described as narrow, and at times, difficult. The path is also filled with freedom from destruction. Where this path takes us is simply amazing.

Most of humanity’s time is spent managing and dealing with the effects of destruction. This tends to be the stuff of news and politics. The human struggle with violence and evil are dominant themes in entertainment. Everyone has experienced the harsh effects destruction brings. Evil is a real problem.

Destruction never sets anyone free. Satan has one game plan: destruction and death.

Jesus has a far better game plan: creation and life. He sets everyone free who receives and follows him as the way, truth and life.

So, why is Jesus hard to find? Jesus lives in the wide open. He does not make himself hard to find. Jesus makes himself available to everyone.

Destruction by its very nature is blinding and disorienting. Our own senses are dulled and we justify continuing in the same destructive ways. It is hard to hear our own soul and conscience speak towards what is right. We don’t even recognize that there is a better way through Jesus Christ.

We forget that we are in an epic spiritual battle for our very own lives. We minimize evil and Satan. We ignore the reality of God in our life. We pretend that we are in control of what really happens. The truth is, what we are capable on our own without Jesus, lands us in a place of complete emptiness filled with unending noise and chaos.

What we are capable of with Jesus is filled with creativity and life at every turn. A narrow gate and path that sets us free from the empty noise and chaos. We are able to travel to a mountain top looking over a valley with perspective, peace and purpose that we never dreamed possible.

Life in Jesus Christ is far more than we have ever imagined. So the gate is narrow. The path is difficult. Awe…but where the path leads us to is a life filled with joy and peace.  A life of generosity and creativity abounds. Love replaces hate.  Love overcomes fear. Forgiveness sneaks up on bitterness and snuffs it out. What a beautiful way to live.

I choose the gate and the narrow path. How about you?

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for being the way, truth and life. Thank You for being out in the open for anyone and everyone. In the chaos of destruction, open people’s eyes to see You and follow You. In Your name Jesus I pray, Amen.

–Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center

Directional sign listing options of Ethics, Honesty, and Integrity

Bad Managment

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