Go where God is working
Steve and Karen Nestelroad visited Warm Beach Camp for the first time over 20 years ago when they came to see Karen’s brother, Rod Allen, and his wife, Maggie. Rod and Maggie were, at that time, staff members at Warm Beach. Steve and Karen would volunteer to work alongside Rod and Maggie, and in their free time, they would explore all the wonders that Washington has to offer – the two couples working and playing together.
“Coming to Warm Beach was a way to get out of the world.” said Karen. Steve and Karen would visit every two years or so, and Warm Beach Camp came to feel like home…so much so that, even after Rod and Maggie moved away, Steve and Karen continued to come back to volunteer. Their visits became even more poignant after Rod died from cancer in 2010.
The Nestelroads still come back to make more memories. In fact, they are currently here for six weeks. “Warm Beach is synonymous with peace for us. It’s a breath of fresh air,” said Karen. “There is a statement that says, ‘Go where God’s working.’” said Steve. “And God’s definitely working here.”
Over the years, Steve and Karen have done everything from trail work to nearly every job at The Lights of Christmas. This trip out, Steve has been helping out with miscellaneous maintenance projects while Karen has been a Buddy for Special Friends Day Camp for the past two weeks. Karen said, “We saw the Lord answer prayers. It made me tear up to see the way Christ was shown to the campers through those young counselors.”
Needless to say, the Camp staff have come to see Steve and Karen as family, and we always look forward to their visits. Without volunteers like the Nestelroads, Warm Beach Camp would not be able to provide the depth of ministry it does today.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Warm Beach Camp, contact Jessica Wilson by calling 360-312-3417, or by email.