Choose Honesty
Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and a fool.
Proverbs 19:1 NLT
If you were given the choice of being honest and poor compared to being dishonest and rich what would you choose? I suspect many of us would ask if we could be honest and wealthy.
The truth is, some of the most honest people I know do happen to be wealthy. It is also true that some of the most honest people I know are honest and of humble means.
The writer of this Proverbs makes it clear. If you have to choose between honesty and wealth, choose honesty. If you have to choose between honesty and foolishness, choose honesty. If you have to choose between honesty and dishonesty, choose honesty.
I like working with people who are honest. They follow through on their word. You can count on what they say. There is a confidence in discussion and shared decision making. Honest people bring real help and strive for meaningful solutions.
Honest people are usually humble people. They have an honest evaluation of themselves before God and others. There is a sense of safety and respect in fellowship and conversation.
Encouragement: Choose honesty in day to day living and people will grow to respect and count on you as a trusted person in their life.
Dear Jesus,
I choose honesty today. I choose honesty everyday. Thank You for being an honest God with no deceit or foolishness. Thank You for being completely trustworthy all the time. In Your name Jesus I pray, Amen.
-Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center