Christmas, a Season of Wonder!
As a boy, I loved thumbing through the Sears and JC Penny’s catalogues marking Christmas gift ideas for my mom to pass on to Santa. The nativity set in my grandparents’ home evoked a deep sense of mystery in the curious scene. The song, Little Drummer Boy, fueled my imagination as I thought about what it would have been like to actually see the baby Jesus. Christmas is a celebration of life in all its fullness and possibility.
Christmas is a season of wonder, hope, joy; a time of mystery shrouded in wonder and celebrated with joy. The hope of Israel for a messiah was realized in the birth of a child to a peasant Jewish girl in a small hamlet in Palestine. Millenia of promise stretching back to the time of Adam and Eve was fulfilled through the Babe in a manger. “What child is this…?” as the song says.
Christmas is a time of abundant celebration. Jesus said, “I have come that they might have life and life in abundance.” Life flowed out of Jesus in such abundance that the lame could walk, the sick were healed, the blind could see. This flourishing of life is celebrated with décor, beautifully decorated trees, lavish gift-giving, and hearty meals with friends and family.
The Lights of Christmas celebrates the Christmas message through a wondrous display of light and beauty wrapped in joy. Light always signifies life and hope in the Bible. What better way to celebrate the Light of the world than through the brilliance of over 1 million lights set in creative display. The pageantry points to the flourishing possibilities brought to life by that Babe in a manger.
May the light and warmth of Christ kindle in you wonder, hope, and joy this Christmas season.
-Patrick Patterson, COO
Warm Beach Camp Ministries
Home of The Light of Christmas