“Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!”
– 2 Corinthians 9:15 NLT
Plant a few seeds, get a small return. Plant many seeds, get a large return. This is one of God’s great gifts to us: Generosity.
Paul encourages followers of Jesus to trust living generously. Chapter 9 of 2 Corinthians talks about the gift of generosity. Paul explains God’s gift is “too wonderful for words.”
Be generous in every phase of life. Put much into life. Invest in people. Spend time in relationships. Share your time. Give of your money. Meet needs and solve problems. Be generous about all things. Don’t do life “on the cheap.” Be a good steward.
God is generous in every way. Trust in His generosity and you will experience the joy of seeing “the harvest” of life.
So, what holds us back from being generous? Here are a few thoughts for consideration:
- Selfishness: We simply choose not to share. We choose to sow a few seeds in the ground, and there’s not much return.
- Scarcity: We are concerned that we will not have enough. Creating the illusion that generosity is not a wise option. God asks us to trust Him. He is the source of all generosity. He says that He will take care of us.
- Spending vs. Investing: The current culture is focused on spending. We are a consumer society. There is not an appropriate focus on saving and investing. It is very difficult to embrace generosity when we are consumed with spending.
- No Margin: For most people there is no margin in their life. Time, relationships and finances are tapped out. Most USA families do not even have $500- $1,000 in the bank to handle basic small emergencies. Any small disruption in life becomes a major issue when there is no margin. Generosity is lost.
- Immediacy: Fast results and 24/7 access have taken our eyes off of the time required for good relational, physical, and financial investments in our lives. Generosity thrives off of good “investments” or “seed planting” when it is given time to grow and produce good returns or a “rich harvest.”
Consider a life of generosity. Look for ways to be generous through networks and resources. “Plant more seeds” in this world. Tend to them and give them time to grow, giving you much to share with others.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for God’s generosity in our lives. Help us embrace a life of generosity to others through our relationships, our time, and our resources. In Your name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.
-Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center