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Go Ahead and Do Good

Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash

Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good?

1 Peter 3:13 NLT

 Most people believe in doing good. Around the world acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion are encouraged. People are moved by being part of something good. On any given day, there are more acts of human kindness towards one another than can be told. Doing good is core to the way this world lives day in and day out.

There are people whose hearts have turned so hard, that they want to cause trouble to others who are doing good. These people protect power and position at all costs. Goodness and kindness are viewed as threats. Unfortunately, their actions are often the stuff of news and sensational reporting. This is especially true when associated with tragedy.

The apostle Peter reminds all of us following God to do good to anyone and everyone we meet. Even when harmed for doing good, the message of that goodness is not lost on anyone looking on. Acts of goodness overcome evil. Acts of goodness share the presence of God in this world.

Most of the time, no one wants to harm someone doing good. Some of the time people doing good are harmed. Our decision to share God’s goodness is not calculated based on support or opposition. Our decision to do good is based on following Jesus. Even if it costs us our life, we are to go down doing good.

Encouragement: Live today doing good for others. In doing so, you are sharing God’s love with this world.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, doing good is not a calculation of risk and reward. It is a way of living. We follow you, doing good to others always. Thank you for reminding us that most of the time people will support us doing good. Some of the time we will be harmed. Either way, we follow you in doing good to everyone we see.

In Your name Jesus, Amen.

-Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center

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