Grill the keynote speaker at Men’s Advance weekend
No man should miss this year’s Men’s Advance weekend, March 2-4, 2018, because you’ll get to see a live human getting grilled. And you thought the ropes course was going to be exciting! Actually, we plan to make our main sessions interactive as I, the keynote speaker, take live questions from the audience. Why would we do this? We found this approach scratches a real itch where men clearly need a forum to ask thoughtful and difficult questions about God, the Bible, or Christianity.
What kind of men and what kind of questions? Men who sometimes feel like their questions are taboo and can’t be asked in church, or have been told to “just have faith and believe.” Men who are young in the faith, and those struggling with difficult Bible passages which just don’t make sense. Older disciples feeling their faith tested by the challenges of skeptical friends. Men who are struggling to integrate truth they’ve been taught with the truth claims of Scripture. Men stumbling over Christian stances on moral issues. Men who are seeking and have serious doubts about Jesus because some part of the Christian faith seems utterly unbelievable.
Men’s Advance is a great opportunity to talk openly about the Christian faith and its relationship to reasons and evidence. We’ll explore the basis for the Christian faith from the ground up, which will build you up and challenge you to be a more confident, winsome witness to God’s grace in a dark world. And, as promised, part of the adventure will be opening the door wide to express your questions, doubts, or Bible problems.
So, warm up the BBQ! Bring your friends and watch me be grilled. Don’t forget to register!
Rick Thiessen, AC3 Senior Pastor
2018 Men’s Advance Keynote Speaker