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Guard Your Heart

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

Proverbs 4:23 NLT

The direction of my life is at stake. So is yours. There are many things to do to encourage a good direction in life. Proverbs 4 names several: Listen when your father corrects you, develop good judgement, stay away from evil, value wisdom and don’t turn your back on it, avoid perverse talk and corrupt speech.

Proverbs 4 lifts one above all of these: Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. 

Guarding our hearts takes real intention. In fact, without making this a priority, we easily slide into patterns of input into our lives that work against guarding our heart.

This neglect literally impacts the course of our life. With the stakes so high, what are some effective ways to guard your heart?

  • Time with God: For me, I try to have the first and last parts of my day focus on God.  It is a time to pray, confess, read Scripture, and reflect. Most importantly, I am just spending time with God.
  • Community: Conversations, hospitality, encouragement and shared prayer with other followers of Jesus reinforces what is right in life and helps guard the heart.
  • Holy Spirit: No one can guard a heart like the Holy Spirit. Throughout the day ask the Holy Spirit to help guard and protect the core of your life.  Let the Holy Spirit guide you into truth.
  • Inputs: Evaluate what inputs you are choosing to allow into your heart and mind. Make sure these inputs are helpful and uplifting. (blogs, TV, books, relationships, etc.)
  • God’s Word: There is no substitute for the way God’s Word influences the way we think. The Bible works deeply in our lives because it is God’s Word.

Remember, the direction of your life is at stake.

Encouragement: Evaluate what you are doing to guard your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Be willing to make adjustments, and perhaps, even replace some current inputs with better ones. God wants to help you in this. God wants the best for you.

Dear Jesus,

We need help guarding our hearts. We need to remember that the very course of our lives is at stake. Forgive us when we neglect heart and soul. Holy Spirit, help us and guide us. Give us the willingness and courage to make any changes You ask of us. Father, we know You want the very best for us. 

In Jesus name we pray,


-Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center

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