How about some Holiday plans?
Memorial Day Working Weekend, a long-standing volunteer event here at Warm Beach Camp, allows the Camp to prepare for its summer program season by asking volunteers to come and help spruce up the place. This is a great opportunity for individuals and civic, school, and church groups to get involved in their community.
Volunteers paint, garden, clean, chop wood, power wash, clear trails, set up tents, or help with crafts and Lights of Christmas projects.
This year, the event runs from May 22-25. Volunteers who are staying on grounds arrive and get settled in on Friday night. After breakfast on Saturday, work begins at 8:30 and goes until 5:30. Sunday is a day of rest, and then it’s back to work on Monday morning.
Volunteers work through the afternoon, enjoy supper together, and then head home. If you can only make it for one of the work days, we would still love to have you! You are welcome to stay with us while you volunteer, or you can commute from home. Housing and meals are provided for a small fee.
For more information, or to register, go to Memorial Working Weekend page on our website. You may also call Jessica Wilson at 360-312-3417.