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Investing in the Environment

To be recognized as an environmentally sensitive organization, WBC will:

  • Build strategic partnerships that will strengthen cooperation between Warm Beach Camp and other environmental stewardship organizations as well as concerned citizens in the community;
  • Enrich the practice of environmental stewardship within the Port Susan Bay communities by linking the values of education, a healthy environment, and sustainable business and community life;
  • Use environmentally sustainable practices to reduce human impact and enhance the natural beauty and diversity of the area.
  • Enhance the environmental stewardship of the horse program by expanding manure composting, and adding box stalls and green buffers around drainage ditches.

Project Information

As part of the Embracing the Vision campaign, the following projects will be undertaken:

1 Raise the quality of treated wastewater outfall to a “Re-Use” standard for reintroduction into the environment

Our goal is to exceed Department of Ecology standards for wastewater treatment and relocate the point of discharge to a less environmentally-sensitive area. Re-use water is used for purposes that are beneficial to the environment i.e., irrigation, fish habitat.

2 Re-surface roads and improve trails, grounds, and view corridors

Reducing dust and erosion as well as improving trail access and maintaining view corridors all help create an experience of rest and renewal for guests as well as an improved stewardship of the environment

3 Reduce mud and improve manure storage at the stables

Creating box stalls will reduce the mud generated by horses staying outside during the wet season. Relocating manure storage further away from streams and possibly going to a composting method of processing will lessen the environmental impact of the horse program.

4 Implement bluff erosion control

Situated on a sandy bluff overlooking Port Susan Bay, Warm Beach Camp is a place of spectacular natural beauty and ecological diversity. With nearly 90,000 guests a year, it is also a place that can almost be “loved to death.” Steep hillsides invite kids to slide down to the trail below. Appropriate fencint and signage and additional vegetation will control access and stabilize the topsoil.

5 Expand Outdoor Education through partnerships in cooperation with the educational community

Currently, all openings for Outdoor Education camps are full and interest is building to expand the program. In order to do that, WBC needs to form partnerships with the educational community to provide additional instructors and curriculum. In addition, the network of trails, boardwalks, and study points needs to be expanded in order to accommodate additional groups.

“I am so impressed with the commitment Warm Beach Camp has demonstrated toward environmental stewardship. Their approach has not only decreased human impact on the land, but has actually strengthened the area’s ecology. By linking education of our young people with on-going environmental stewardship efforts, Warm Beach Camp is truly touching the future.” – Kelly Wynn, President, Water and Wastewater Services, LLC

Funds required for “Investing in Environment”: $1.5 million

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A Legacy of Prayer

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A Joyous Gathering

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Taking Root

Warm Beach Camp Ministries has cultivated an environment rich in God’s glory. By stewarding well what God has gifted us with, we have remained a place where life-changing experiences occur week in and week out. In 2023, we embarked on a journey to connect one million people with Christ. We are living with intentional faith to see this realized in 2030. In 2025, Warm Beach Camp Ministries is Taking Root in the life offered by God through faith in Jesus ...