Just a Hint of Heaven
In Mark 6:30, Jesus called His disciples to “come away and rest by yourselves.” It was an invitation to separate themselves from the work of the Kingdom, from the press of the crowds, and from daily cares. And best of all, they got to just be with Jesus. That’s what coming to Warm Beach Camp has felt like for me personally. It’s been an invitation to come away and spend time with Jesus.
I have been attending family camps at Warm Beach Camp for more than 30 years. The specific experiences each year have been different depending on my season of life, but what hasn’t changed is the special sense that this is a sacred spot, a place dedicated to seeking Jesus more deeply.
The facilities and activities allow us to use all parts of who we are—body, soul, mind and spirit. The
scenery lends itself to worship, to stillness, to quieting the noise in my head. I have spent many hours in
the Prayer Chapel, talking, listening, waiting. The staff are careful not to get in the way of what the Holy
Spirit might want to reveal to each one who steps foot on this ground. The campfires at night have been
something that touch my spirit, singing together, listening to testimonies of my brothers and sisters.
We need reflection and renewal of the body and spirit. The unique opportunity to gather daily with my
church family makes me wonder if that is what the early church was like. On second thought, isn’t that
just exactly what Heaven will be like. Warm Beach Camp is just a hint of Heaven.
– Jane Toth, Apostolic Christian Church Junior Department Advisor