Kids 2 Camp Continues to Touch Young Lives!
With summer right around the corner, registrations are coming in for the summer youth camps. It also means that we are receiving requests for help through the Kids 2 Camp program. Without financial assistance, some of the children and youth who will be coming this summer would be unable to experience their week at camp.
A number of these kids come from churches and social service agencies who are working with at-risk youth. For many of these kids, a week at summer camp at Warm Beach can be a life-changing experience. In a caring and compassionate environment, each child is presented with the love and gospel of Jesus Christ.
Last year, more than $117,000 was given for Kids 2 Camp scholarships, helping 1,460 children, youth, and adults attend events at Warm Beach Camp. With the tight economy, we know that the need for help will continue this year.
This scholarship program is only possible because of the generous contributions from many, many people. If you would like to help, you may give a gift through this page, or mark your gift for the Kids 2 Camp program and mail it to the Camp.