Kids 2 Camp Report
With the arrival of summer, kids are now coming for their week of summer camp at Warm Beach. We have been receiving numerous requests for scholarship help to enable kids to come to camp. We are also working with more than 30 churches and social service agencies who work with at-risk youth. In order to bring groups of their kids to camp, we provide matching funds they can use to raise more money in this effort.
We are excited about several new partnerships with organizations serving at-risk youth. We want every child to have the opportunity for a summer camp experience.
For many of the kids receiving scholarships, a week at summer camp at Warm Beach can be a life-changing experience. In a caring and compassionate environment, each child is presented with the love and good news of Jesus Christ.
Last year, more than $155,000 was given out in Kids 2 Camp scholarships, helping more than 1,100 children and youth attend events at Warm Beach Camp. With the tight economy, we know that the need for help will be as much or more this year.
This scholarship program is only possible because of the generous contributions from many, many people. If you would like to help, you may give a gift through our website, or mark your gift for the Kids 2 Camp program and mail it to the Camp.
We also request you pray for this ministry to marginalized children and youth, that they will see Jesus’ love in every part of their camp experience, and return home with changed lives. Thank you for praying.