Kingdom Building in Korea
There he was, all 40 or so inches of him, heading up to the stage determined to be the first one to share at open mic time at Camp. This is a time where campers can share about their experiences during the week in front of the entire camp. In our English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, Eric was a good student – bright and very accomplished with his English as a 4th grader. He stepped on stage and proceeded to tell everyone how excited he was to “receive God’s salvation for himself” this week!
A few days later, Eric’s mother and father expressed deep gratitude for what this camp meant for their son and their entire family. Choking back tears, Mom said, “We are a very devout Christian family, but he has never personally professed any faith. We have been praying and are so thankful to God.” Choking back tears of my own, I said, “Praise God! Eric is a very special young man and we are so thankful to God as well.”
As parents and campers gathered around us for last minute photos, hugs, high fives, and words of appreciation, we humbly give thanks to God for allowing us to participate in His Kingdom work in South Korea.
Warm Beach Camp Korea is a program of Warm Beach Camp that brings together an American and Korean team for two weeks of cross-cultural relationships, a Day Camp for North Korean refugees, and a week-long ESL camp for kids combined with a youth camp for middle to high school youths.
What is it like to do ministry in South Korea? It’s like being in the midst of God working in young lives, receiving testimony of children coming to faith, and praying Korean style (passionately in community). Ministering alongside young people with passionate devotion. Taking part in God’s global family on mission. Living amidst a church forged fairly recently in the arc of history through the crucible of foreign occupation and devastating war. Experiencing a taste of God’s coming Kingdom. Simply refreshing, inspiring, and amazing!
Join us next year on mission in Korea and see the Lord work in your life and the lives of others. Learn more at
-Pat Patterson, General Manager & Chief Operating Officer
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center