Sample Schedule
schedule subject to change
- 4:30pm – Guest Registration & Check-in
- 5:45pm – Dinner Buffet
- 7:00pm – General Session #1: “Live Like You Mean It”
- Snacks and free time to follow
- 6:30am – Cedar Lodge open – coffee available
- 6:30am – Prayer time
- 7:30am – Breakfast Buffet
- 8:45am – General Session #2: “Clean It Up”
- 10:15am – Breakout Discussions
- 11:15am – Workshops
- 12:00pm – Buffet Lunch
- 1:00-3:00pm – Recreation and Free Time
- 3:30pm – General Session #3: “New Wine, Fresh Start”
- 4:45pm – Breakout Discussions
- 5:45pm – Workshops
- 6:30pm – Prime Rib Dinner Buffet
- 7:45pm – General Session #4: “Committed Beyond Words”
- Snacks and Open Fellowship to follow (rooms available for groups to meet)
- 6:30am – Cedar Lodge open – coffee available
- 6:30am – Prayer time
- 7:45am – Breakfast Buffet
- 9:30am – General Session #5: “An Aptitude with an Attitude”
- 11:00am – Close of program
Saturday Workshops
Our workshops are designed to help equip men to further their journey with God. To grow personally, to prepare to serve others and to discover the PURPOSE for which we were created.
The Importance of our Next Generation – 20 something year-olds (for High School Seniors to 29 year-olds)
Presenter: Vernon Counsellor
Have you felt like you are wandering in a no-mans land? Are you wondering what God’s purpose is for you and your generation? Can you make a difference? What will the next stage of my life entail? In this workshop we will address these questions and more. Bring your questions, concerns and thoughts. You will help direct the conversation so it’s pertinent to you. You were made on PURPOSE for a PURPOSE and together we will help discover that purpose. (morning session only)
God’s Game Plan for Young Men (for Junior High and Senior High age men up to 11th grade)
Presenters: Bob Lloyd and Ernest Vigal
We will discover how choosing God’s game plan over our own game plan will impact ourselves and others. We will explore this through discussion, fun activities and relationship building. This is a two part series. Part 1 is after the Saturday morning session and Part 2 is after the Saturday afternoon session.
Starting a Men’s Forum
Presenters: James Brooke and Josh Hills
Is God calling you to serve men in your area? Does the idea of unity fire you up? Would you like to bring a ministry similar to the Men’s Advance to your area? In this workshop we will discuss what a Men’s Forum looks like, how to implement a forum in your area and how it can impact your community.
Two Great Responses: Jesus and the Two Greatest Commandments
Presenter: Ed McDowell
The establishment was trying to trap Jesus with a loaded question: Which of Moses’ laws are the greatest? Jesus gives two great responses: Love God with all you got and love others as yourself. In this seminar we will take a look at what it means to live this out with ourselves, family, friends, work, and community.
Share Jesus without Fear
Presenter: Shawn Schrader
Ever wish you had an easy way to express to others the joy you’ve found in Christ? Have you ever regretted not sharing because you were afraid or uncertain how to point people to an accurate understanding of Christ? If you answered yes to any of these, you are not alone. In this workshop you’ll learn very practical ways to present the compelling message of God’s saving grace. Discover ways to guide a witnessing conversation without fear.
Principles of Bible Study
Presenter: James Boemer
We will discuss how to dive into the Word for yourself, and enrich your relationship with God. Ever wondered to dea with Old Testament books like Leviticus and how it applies today? Or, how to approach the Bible within appropriate context? Maybe you’ve read the Bible cover to cover and the prospect of reading Deuteronomy one more time makes you sleepy just thinking about it, and what you really want is to go deep into the Word, and not necessarily wide. If you can relate to any of these, this workshop session is for you!
Celebrate Recovery
Presenter: Bill Brown
The Bible clearly states “ALL HAVE SINNED.” This means each of us needs RECOVERY in order to live our lives the way God intended. Celebrate Recovery is based on God’s Word and is forward looking. It emphasizes personal responsibility and spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ, utilizes the biblical truth that we need each other in order to grow spiritually and emotionally, and addresses all types of hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
Saturday Free-Time & Recreation Options
(subject to change)
Buy tickets for these Warm Beach Camp Recreation options: (available for sale Saturday morning of the event)
High Ropes Course, 40’ Climbing Tower
Free Warm Beach Camp Recreation options:
Disc golf, mini-golf, softball, horse shoes, basketball, tennis, trails
Other Men’s Advance Free Time Activities
- Cool Machines Show: classics, exotics, trendy, cars, trucks, whatever guys want to bring and show off…its just plain fun
- HUGE Highland Games – Scottish Highland competitions
- Mountain Biking – bring your own bike
- Life-size Angry Birds – giant sling shot
Offsite Options
Local area golf courses: Kayak Point, Camaloch
Saturday Workshops
Following Jesus in the Second Half
Ward Tannenberg, Executive Director of CASA
Ward Tannenberg directs the Christian Association Serving Adult Ministries Network which seeks to inspire and equip the Church for ministry to and through adults in life’s second half. Ward passionately calls mid and post career adults to discover purpose not simply in accomplishment, but in passing on a legacy to the next generation.
Stewardship for the Long Haul
Darrell Weiland, Executive Director of the Warm Beach Camp Foundation
Darrell invests himself in helping others achieve their financial goals and leave a legacy of blessing to the next generation. Through biblical stewardship and responsible planning, you can reach your financial goals and leave a legacy of blessing.
Keith Yarter, Consultant with Peacemaker Ministries
Conflict is as old as the Garden of Eden. We need to be equipped to bring peace and live peaceably with others and thus, open the doors of grace for ourselves and others. Peacemaker Ministries provides principles and healthy practices that will help you not only resolve conflict but live peaceably with others.
Starting Early on Relational Success
Dr. Jeff McFarlane, Psychologist & Director of Restoration Counseling Services
Dr. McFarlane has been married for 32 years with 4 adult children. As a pastor and a psychologist, he has worked with couples and families to strengthen their relationships. The seeds for relational success are planted early in a person’s life and early in relationships. This workshop will look at key ingredients for healthy, successful relationships. He will discuss biblical principles and the latest research for building healthy marriage and family relationships from the stage of young adulthood.
Dr. Jeff McFarlane is an ordained pastor and a licensed psychologist. He is the clinical director of Restoration Counseling Services. The counseling center is committed to helping individuals, couples, and families grow beyond their hurt and pain and discover hope, healing, and a new way to live.
Living Out the Implications of Our Faith in the Workplace
Christian Overman, Executive Director of Worldview Matters
While the U.S. unemployment rate is the highest in 25 years, over 50% of American workers say they are dissatisfied with the jobs they have. We have a workplace problem that no amount of economic stimulus can fix! In this session, we’ll explore the biblical “Theology of Work,” and view real life examples of how the Christian worldview can shape values, influence behavior, and create God-honoring culture in the workplace.
Spiritual Formation & the Man’s Journey
Dr. Jeff Johnson, Executive Director of Men’s Ministries International
International speaker and leader Jeff Johnson calls on men to connect their heads and hearts. Our lives are too easily compartmentalized and spiritual growth becomes a set of activities associated with church programs, Bible study, and small groups. However, to be effective men of God, Jeff believes men need to open up all areas of life to the heart-shaping work of God’s Holy Spirit. Discover how God shapes a man’s heart throughout life’s journey and how we can respond fully to God in all of life.
Rocks, Mirrors and Shoes – Leadership in Action
Colonel Tom Greco US Army (Ret)
Anyone who has influence on another is a leader. The question in life is not whether or not to be a leader, but rather what kind of leader we want to be. How do we respond to God’s shaping influences in life so that we may become godly leaders that influence other’s lives for the good? Explore the heart-shaping work of building leaders that God is doing everyday and how you can yield to His leadership in your life. Discover the Know, Be and Do of being a leader for God.
Forensic Examination of Firearms and other Magic
Brian Smelser, Firearms Examiner WSP Crime Lab
Is it really as easy as CSI makes it look? How do real crime scene investigations study operability and function testing, general rifling characteristics, distance determination, trajectories and reconstruction? Sorry, no firearms will actually be fired during the presentation. What does this have to do with Jesus? Come and see…
By The Ropes
WBC Challenge Course Staff
All learning is ultimately experiential learning. Discover fresh lessons in faith and life through challenging low ropes and field initiative activities led by trained challenge course facilitators. See what such experiences can do for you and for groups you may be responsible for.
This experiential workshop requires sign-ups in Cedar Lodge Lobby. (A signed waiver is required to participate). Participants will be placed in groups of up to 12 people and go through field initiatives, low ropes, and high ropes course elements. One 2-hour session beginning at 3:30pm.
Saturday Free-Time & Recreation Options
Buy tickets for these WBC Recreation options:
High Ropes Course, 40’ Climbing Tower, Horseback Trail Rides, Mini-golf
Free WBC Recreation options:
Archery, disc golf, ping-pong, softball, horse shoes, basketball
Other WBC Free Time Activities
· Car Show: classics, exotics, trendy, and just plain fun
· Chainsaw Carving: Watch a local carver bring amazing creations out of solid blocks of wood.
· Grill Masters: “Meat…its what’s for dinner…” Guys, check out the rubs, sauces, and meats from some of the Northwest’s best self-proclaimed “grill masters.” You can join the fun with creations of your own, just contact Patrick Patterson at 360.652.7575 ext 2233 or email
· Geo-caching Competition: Search for caches off-site. Participants split into teams and travel by vehicles within a 10-mile radius of Warm Beach Camp.
· Orienteering Competition: Navigate to markers found on Warm Beach Camp grounds. Maps and instruction provided.
· Video Game Room: Wii, Xbox, PS3, NES
· Dueling Tops
Offsite Options:
Local area golf courses: Kayak Point, Camaloch
Indoor Shooting Range: Nor Pointe Shooting Center