Moving Forward Together
We have an opportunity to do something quite extraordinary in these times: Move forward together as we navigate this extended time of pandemic.
While various forms of isolation and division have become a new way of living, as a follower of Jesus, we are called to a beautiful way of community that gives us the opportunity to find meaningful and creative ways to move forward together.
We don’t do this in rebellion or anger. We move forward together with compassion, conviction, and deep love for people and their wellbeing.
The fire circle in our back patio has become a “go-to place” for family and friends to gather for warmth and fellowship. Road trips and camping have provided amazing reunions after a season of being apart. Virtual connections have helped bridge the gap when physical gatherings are not wise or safe.
Likewise, camps and retreats are safely gathering and finding healing and encouragement as we move forward together.
Many friends of Warm Beach Camp Ministries gathered recently at Black Diamond Camp to celebrate, play, share food, and be reminded just how precious life is, especially when we do it together. A big part of what brings vibrancy and resilience is that we move forward in life together, no matter the challenges.
The Bible encourages this in very clear words “Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.” Philippians 2:1-2 NLT
I encourage you to take some time to think of intentional ways you can move forward together with those you love. Who knows, it might include coming to a camp or a retreat. It could land you in a car going through an amazing Christmas experience at The Lights of Christmas!
Be intentional, especially in these times, of finding ways to move forward together.
Have you heard it said, “There is joy in the journey!”? When that journey includes family and friends, it a good day.
Moving forward together in Christ,
-Ed McDowell, CEO
Warm Beach Camp Ministries