The Lights of Christmas for All Partnerships
Salt of the Earth Food Blessing distributed 200 ticket vouchers amongst their five locations through The Lights of Christmas for All Fund. One of the recipients at the Smokey Point distribution location was in tears, saying, “Really, I wasn’t going to be able to do that for my kids this year. This will be an amazing gift, as I already told them we would not be able to go on our annual family tradition.” This is the impact each ticket ...
General News, Giving News |
Storing Treasure
“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." Matthew 6:19-21 NLT There was a time in life where Bev and I bid on abandoned storage units. We did it with our good friends, Jim ...
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Meet Warm Beach’s Intern, Jessica Graves
The internship program is back in full swing at Warm Beach Camp (WBC)! We are excited to welcome Jessica Graves (left) from Ferndale as a 2023-2024 WBC intern. Jessica has been coming to WBC since she was eight and has participated in summer camps and volunteer opportunities at The Lights of Christmas. “Years ago, my grandparents volunteered down here. And ever since I can remember, we’ve been coming down and helping with The Lights.” Jessica was looking for a job ...
General News, News |
Pony Club Rallies
Warm Beach Horsemanship proudly presents its pony clubbers with the opportunity to test their skills in the educational atmosphere of Pony Club rallies. Rallies are designed to foster young athletes in the areas, including but not limited to, showmanship, teamwork, horse care, and sportsmanship. Riders compete in a “horse show” environment where they are judged for their performance and evaluated for their skills in horse care, organization, grooming and turnout. The process is designed to thoroughly prepare competitors for the ...
General News, Horsemanship News |
Welcome Cami Blue and Mike Jacques!
Warm Beach Camp Ministries would like to welcome Cami Blue back as the new Bookkeeper & Administrative Assistant and Mike Jacques as the new Plant Maintenance Manager! Cami grew up at Warm Beach Camp in the 70s when both her parents were on staff, and throughout her adulthood, Warm Beach is a place that she often found herself returning to. After moving to Haiti in the 80s with her family and graduating in 1991, Cami would return every year to ...
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Endurance Testing = Capacity Building
"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." James 1:2-4 NLT “This better be worth it!” is a phrase often used when working through a situation that is challenging and takes real effort to ...
General News, News |
The Help We Need
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. Romans 8:26 NLT And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. Romans 8:2 NLT I like to hike and walk in God’s creation. Over the years I have ...
General News, News |
Preparing Leaders through Horsemanship
Warm Beach Horsemanship fosters a wide array of hopeful young riders each year. The WIT (Wrangler in Training) program is designed to develop horsemanship, schooling, and teaching skills in a ministry-based environment. Within a WIT’s time at Warm Beach, they sharpen and practice skills in horse handling, schooling horses with specific goals in mind, riding with a strong basic balanced position, and finding connection with the horse. Through the dynamics of a relationship between horse and rider, a greater understanding ...
General News, Horsemanship News, News |
Hold on Tight!
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:23-25 NLT Have you ever been in a situation where someone told you to hold on tight? ...
General News, News |
Welcome Meg and Aly!
Warm Beach Camp is excited to welcome the new Assistant Horsemanship Director, Meg Rudy, and Barn manager, Aly Arnold! Meg Rudy Meg grew up at a camp near Spokane, Washington. Her parents were involved in the Horsemanship program, where Meg developed a love for horses and riding from a very young age. When her family moved to Idaho to run a ranch, she continued to ride horses and was involved in boarding and lessons. She is a CHA level 4 ...
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How Horses Have Drawn Me Closer to God
Growing up, I never thought horses would become an integral part of my life. I was five when I saw my mom bitten by an abused horse at a girl scout camp my sister was attending. I was terrified after that. When I was twelve, my best friend saw an advertisement for riding lessons and she begged me to try it once. I finally caved in and agreed to one lesson and one lesson only. I was put on an ...
General News, Horsemanship News, News |
A Crisis of Confidence
And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. 1 John 5:14 NLT God is making it very clear that He hears us when we are asking for something, anything, that is in alignment with His will, values, and purposes. In response, He provides us with what is needed to do what is being asked for. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he ...
General News, News |
Welcome Heather Goetsch!
Heather joins Warm Beach Camp as the new Horsemanship Volunteer Coordinator. Heather was born in Adak, Alaska, to a military family, often moving until the age of 12, when her family settled in Virginia. She married her wonderful husband Loren in 2010, who was in the military at the time, and in 2011, they settled in Washington, the third time for Heather! Heather has experience working in and owning her own bakery/café; she worked in the legal field, was involved ...
General News, Horsemanship News, News |
Joy at the Kids 2 Camp Auction
It was a joy seeing everyone come out for the Kids 2 Camp Benefit Auction. The day was filled with fun, light-hearted laughter, and excitement for the day’s festivities. It was the first year of in-person mobile bidding for the Silent Auction, allowing individuals to bid on items outside eating lunch or even being poolside with their children! A new family fun addition of a bouncy house was a big hit with all the kids. What a wonderful day it ...
General News, Giving News, News |
Pony Club Camp
When I reflect on my Pony Club days, growing up in a wonderful team and family environment, the bright memories of camps and rallies rise to the surface first. These memories are strong for many reasons. Not only were they happy core memories, but they were events filled with immense personal growth. I learned more in those short spans of concentrated education delivered by a handful of brilliantly diverse instructors, than I did in entire school years in the classroom. ...
General News, Horsemanship News, News |
Fight Good and Hold Tight
"Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12 NLT Paul is writing to Timothy a letter of encouragement and instruction. The center of this chapter is to stay focused on the core teachings of Jesus. Paul uses the imagery of fighting and holding on to communicate the focus and resolve this takes. Reflection Following God and ...
General News, News |
A Purposeful Internship
Fall is always an exciting time at Warm Beach Camp, and this year is especially thrilling as we welcome back the Internship Program! We wait with anticipation to see who God will bring and how He will grow the interns, (and us!) over the next 12 months. We are excited to present a more behind-the-scenes look at camping ministry. Interns will work alongside multiple departments to see all of the well-oiled machine that is Warm Beach Camp! While the classic ...
General News, News |
Egg My Yard Fundraiser
Local churches and organizations have been devising fun and inventive ways through community involvement to help raise funds for Kids 2 Camp! A church recently participated in an “Egg My Yard” fundraiser to help send kids and families to camp this summer. An “Egg My Yard” fundraiser sells pre-filled easter eggs and offers to hide them in families’ front yards just in time for Easter. A local church sold over 3,000 eggs to 40 homes and drove 600 miles roundtrip ...
General News, Giving News, News |
Camp Makes an Impact
One can never know how God will choose to move in one’s life. All that is required of us is to surrender and let Him lead. The outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the lives of students and leaders attending Warm Beach Camp was a beautiful illustration of living in those surrendered moments. A middle school-aged youth group from a local church attended a camp retreat at Warm Beach Camp this spring. Many students who attend the youth group come from ...
General News, Giving News, News |
A Command For Leaders
"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NLT Joshua was stepping into leadership of the Israelite nation. He was following none other than Moses. Joshua was going to be the leader to fulfill God’s promise of receiving a land of abundance. It was also going to require hard work and obedience to God’s strategy. It was a challenge unlike any his ...