General News

Get the general news about what is going on in the Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center community

Horse Spotlight | Sapphire

We want to introduce you to the horses that serve at the Warm Beach Horsemanship and will be highlighting one of the 30 horses in our program every month.  Please meet our first horse, Sapphire. Age: 17 Breed: Friesian/QH Height: 15.1 Weight: 1,200 Color: Bay Discipline: English & Western With her kind spirit, steady temperament, and personable disposition, Sapphire is favored by many Warm Beach Horsemanship (WBH) students of all levels and disciplines. Sapphire has thrived in the WBH riding ...

The Perfect Pairing

Earlier in the Spring, Warm Beach Camp hosted a wonderful Kiwanis group om our grounds in Stanwood, WA! Our staff loves working with leaders to create successful events and for these guests it seemed to be the perfect pairing! Here's what they had to say: April 5-7th the Pacific Northwest Circle K International students had an opportunity to visit and stay at Warm Beach Camp. Circle K is the largest student lead service group for university students around the world. ...

Projects Across Warm Beach Camp Ministries

Warm Beach Camp Ministries is a beacon for those seeking personal and spiritual growth. Groups across the Northwest and beyond come to experience the transformational presence of God that is apparent at each of the three Campuses: Black Diamond Camp, Rainier Camp & Retreat Center, and Warm Beach Camp. To provide a Christ-centered stay where each guest feels refreshed and valued, it is crucial to have everything in working order. Continuous upgrades are needed, from the condition of the roads ...

Servanthood with Joy!

We love our volunteers! Judy Lang has been investing in Warm Beach Camp for the last eight years as an on-site, full-time volunteer.  She retired in 2015, planning to explore the Northwest in her RV. Though enjoying her newfound freedom, she yearned to belong to a community committed to a purpose larger than leisure. While camping near Mt. Rainier in 2016, Judy had a divine encounter with a woman over a cup of coffee that changed her future trajectory. Her ...

Welcome Evan Blue!

Warm Beach Camp would like to introduce Evan Blue as the new Food Service Manager! Evan was born and raised in Lynnwood, Washington. His family has been involved with Warm Beach Camp for generations, and Evan considers Warm Beach his second home. Growing up, he and his family would come to Warm Beach for work party weekends over Memorial Day, attend Family Camp, attend the various events around Camp, and even work annually at The Lights of Christmas. Evan started ...

New Event Coordinator, Susan Sansom!

Warm Beach Camp would like to introduce Susan Sansom, the new Event Coordinator! Susan was born into a Navy family and routinely traveled before settling down in her parent’s home state of Ohio as a child. While in Ohio, she graduated with a degree in paralegal studies and met her husband. With a little one in tow, Susan and her husband moved to California and were enthralled by the diversity of the West Coast, sparking a wanderlust for travel and, ...

Different Encounters

“What things?” Jesus asked. “The things that happened to Jesus, the man from Nazareth,” they said. “He was a prophet who did powerful miracles, and he was a mighty teacher in the eyes of God and all the people. But our leading priests and other religious leaders handed him over to be condemned to death, and they crucified him. We had hoped he was the Messiah who had come to rescue Israel. This all happened three days ago.” Luke 24:19-21 ...

Discover Tranquility at Bayview Retreat House

Nestled amidst the serene landscape of Stanwood, Washington, Bayview Retreat House at Warm Beach Camp offers an idyllic escape for small groups seeking solace and rejuvenation. Whether you're planning a corporate retreat, small non-profit event, or a spiritual gathering, Bayview Retreat House provides the perfect backdrop. This hidden gem of Snohomish County is a great spot for your group's next getaway, here's why:  Location, Location, Location: Situated on the picturesque grounds of Warm Beach Camp, Bayview Retreat House boasts breathtaking ...

Providing Unforgettable Experiences for Everyone

Are you passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of children and families in western Washington? If so, you're in the right place! The Kids 2 Camp Scholarship Fund, a vital initiative aimed at providing unforgettable experiences for people from all walks of life, is having it's big fundraiser July 27, from noon to 4 at Warm Beach Camp in Stanwood, Wa! Why the Kids 2 Camp Scholarship Fund Matters: At Warm Beach Camp, we believe that every ...

Connecting Jesus

Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. Luke 24:27 NLT Have you ever wanted to spend a few hours with a person to just be influenced and taught by them for a little while? Imagine being able to do that with Jesus! The unknown third person (Jesus) took the time to walk with these two on this 7-mile journey through the writings of Moses and ...

The New Horsemanship Donor Relations Coordinator

Warm Beach Camp is excited to announce Mary-Grace Wallace as the first Horsemanship Donor Relations Coordinator! Mary-Grace was born and raised in Sedro Woolley, Washington. She attended Central Washington University, has a background in Genealogy, a Veterinary Technician degree, and is currently taking online equine classes to expand her expertise within the equine field. Mary-Grace has diverse work experience, including being a Veterinary Technician, a contractor for the Washington State Treasurer’s office for fifteen years, worked as a fundraising consultant ...

Kids 2 Camp Benefit Day

Through Kids 2 Camp, Warm Beach Camp Ministries provides life-changing camping experiences to everyone regardless of economic restrictions. When kids have the same opportunities as their peers to experience worship, fellowship, and fun - transformation happens. Last year, 1,347 individuals were helped with full or partial scholarships. To expand the ministry’s impact on reaching more kids and their families for Christ, the traditional Kids 2 Camp Auction has been reimagined into the Kids 2 Camp Benefit Day. The first Kids ...

Meet Adriene, the new Disabilities Ministries Coordinator

Warm Beach Camp is excited to announce Adriene Duguay as the Developmental Disabilities Ministries Coordinator! Adriene was born and raised in Shoreline, Washington, and graduated with a degree in Psychology from Trinity Western University in British Columbia. Adriene has diverse work experience ranging from working housekeeping at Seattle Pacific University to working in a hockey shop to, most recently, working at a day camp. No matter where she has found herself, she keeps being called back to working with individuals ...

On That Day…

"And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one Lord —his name alone will be worshiped."- Zechariah 14:9 NLT All of us have those “on that day…” thoughts. “On that day…” represents a point of arrival in one’s journey. Perhaps it is individual or the work of a community, church, or nation. It can represent a milestone or a brief moment of deferred gratitude come to pass. The prophet Zechariah is writing ...

Enjoy Camp for a Day!

Stepping on the grounds of Warm Beach Camp feels like home. From alumni summer staff to guest group participants, Warm Beach has become a second home to our Partners in Ministry. Last May, at the Partners in Ministry Open House, I reconnected with my friend and fellow summer staff alumni I worked with 22 years ago. We shared a picnic lunch with our families and then watched our kids swim in the very pool that we swam in as campers ...

An Internship that offers more!

“I’m leaping into the world! This is my first time living on my own, and I feel safe here. I feel like I belong. My favorite part about Warm Beach is the people; it is the coolest place to be!” exclaimed Jessica Graves, a current intern at Warm Beach Camp. A supportive and encouraging environment has been created by Intern Coordinator Sara Kauffman, where interns like Jessica feel safe to push out of their comfort zones. Sara walks alongside each ...

Help in the Challenges

Luke 24:13-16 NLT "[13] That same day two of Jesus’ followers were walking to the village of Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. [14] As they walked along they were talking about everything that had happened. [15] As they talked and discussed these things, Jesus himself suddenly came and began walking with them. [16] But God kept them from recognizing him."   God, I did not recognize You! One of God’s ways of approaching us is to simply meet us where ...

Exploring your worth in Christ

“For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hands and says to you, ‘do not fear, I will help you.'" Isaiah 41:13 What I do defines who I am. The choices I make define my value – for better or for worse. Are those things true? There are countless times in my life where I believed that what I did defined who I am. One poignant example occurred when I was 14 years old. I ...

A Heartwarming and Joyous Plan!

When a woman from a senior community quilter’s group came to Warm Beach Camp, she was not expecting to have a bond with a group of students attending a high school retreat. However, where God is at work, connections can be found in the unlikeliest of places. At mealtimes, the woman and her quilter friends would go to the dining room and share the space with a group of teenagers and their teachers. Through conversation over a delicious meal, it ...

A Trail 90 Motor Bike with No Light

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalms 119:105 NLT Warm Beach Camp….when everything was green grass, forest, dirt roads graveled paths and a few buildings. I knew every inch of this place, after all, I grew up here. It was the place of adventure, rebellion, friendships, stealing stuff from the snack shop, and sneaking around. It was also the place of profound relationships, where I fell in love and raised a family. It was ...