General News

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Who Put a Nickel in You?

Many nickels later, he is still talking about the night in which his life was changed forever. It was a humid summer night and he was sitting on an old folding metal chair towards the back of the Program Center, as this was an easy escape if the preacher went on too long. That night, however, time seemed to stop. Thoughts of being first in line at the snack shack and playing tag with his friends seemed to disappear. Voices ...

Brandon’s Ticket

I asked him if he had worked for that money, and he said, "Yes, I did!" and he stood a little taller. He said, "I worked all year to save up this money to come to camp. I sure did a lot of yard work for this." He began counting out the coins and stacking them up; I suggested he keep the quarters and give me the nickels and dimes so his bag would be lighter. He counted out the ...

Kids 2 Camp Scholarship Program

Leave no one behind! There's nothing like a camp experience to open a child's heart to the love of Christ. It provides a time and place to ignite faith, instill character, and implant ideals. Many youth make significant spiritual decisions during or following a camp experience. The Kids 2 Camp Scholarship Program is designed to be an extension of the local church, to strengthen and support local church ministry, and to help needy kids come to camp. Kids 2 Camp ...

7 Easy Steps to Book Your Group

Once you work with your Warm Beach Camp guest services associate to secure facilities for the date you want, the reservation system is quite simple. Your reservation will be secured with a deposit. Contract Packet is produced by Warm Beach Camp and sent to you. Once you receive your packet, review your contract, event guidelines and price sheets. Please contact your Guest Service Associate immediatly if there are any inaccuracies. If the information in your Contract Packet is accurate, you ...