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Rest sounds so good right about now

“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest'”
Matthew 11:28 NLT

I am weary and carry burdens that are heavy. Do you?

It seems that the most common response I receive in regards to how people are doing today involves being fatigued or under a heavy load in one way or another.

Do you identify with any of the following categories? Which ones apply to your life right now?

  • Relationships under stress
  • Too much debt
  • Vocational challenges
  • Over commitment
  • Not enough food
  • No insurance
  • Lack of opportunity
  • Religion
  • Culture and politics
  • Sleep
  • Health
  • Overweight
  • The need to change
  • Bitterness and resentment
  • Insecurity and anxiety

I am sure each of us can add specifics to this list that includes names of people and organizations we love and care about.

Along comes Jesus. He lays out a way of living in relationship to Him that is profound:

  • Forgiveness
  • A new beginning
  • Transformation over time
  • Peace that is beyond our own understanding
  • Joy that surprises
  • A constant advocate on our behalf
  • Provides wisdom in real time
  • He never leaves us
  • Love that is stronger than fear
  • Community

If you are already a follower of Jesus, you too can fill out this list of God’s incredible faithfulness in your life.

Jesus makes a simple offer: Come to Him.
Jesus promises: I will give you rest.

I am going to Jesus right now, right here, because rest sounds good right about now.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the invitation. Even this morning, I was tempted to bypass coming to You for rest. There is so much to be done, and taking time to rest with You seems counterproductive to the endless lists and needs of people and organizations in my life.

Thank You for pursuing me this morning and bringing me into Your rest. Thank You for letting me give to you my weariness and burdens. Please lead, guide and provide in each of these areas.

Thank You for Your generous peace.

With gratitude in Your name Jesus I pray.

-Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center

Directional sign listing options of Ethics, Honesty, and Integrity

Bad Managment

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10 NLT Jesus tells the story of a wealthy man who hires a manager to look after his business. The owner learns that the manager is mismanaging his business and money. The owner calls the manager to account by telling the manager to get his things in order. The owner ...

Horse Spotlight | Daisy

We want to introduce you to the horses that serve at the Warm Beach Horsemanship and are highlighting our third horse from the herd this month.  Please meet, Daisy!  She and Royal are the youngest in herd. Age: 3 months, born May 14, 2024 Breed: Quarter Horse Height: 11 hands (44"), Daisy is expected to mature to 15+ hands (60"+) Weight: 250 lbs Color: Smokey Black (The result of crossing Black & Palomino genes) Discipline: Warm Beach Horsemanship Heart Melter! ...

Outdoor School Outreach

Regardless of who comes to Warm Beach Camp, they are instantly immersed in God’s presence. One avenue in which the ministry is sharing His presence is through the Outdoor School program. This program is broadening the scope of who the ministry serves, participating in community engagement and impacting the local community. A fifth-grade class from a local elementary school recently attended Outdoor School at Warm Beach Camp. As a demonstration of gratitude, each student wrote a thank you letter to ...