Special Friends Camps – A very special program!
God is at work all around the Camp this summer — in more ways than we can imagine. One of the areas is the Special Friends Camp program.
Special Friends Camp is a place for special needs teens and adults to experience all the fun of camp, regardless of the challenges they face. Campers get the opportunity to go swimming, play mini-golf, ride a horse, go on the zip line, and do almost anything else other campers get to do.
Campers are provided camp counselor “Buddies” who assist campers for the week. Many of these are volunteers, about 45 to 50 each week, helping to fill a vital role, making sure their campers have a safe and fun time at camp! Many are high school aged youth. They grow personally as God uses them to show His love to these special campers. Adults also come out to be buddies, or help with crafts, do face painting, or lead other activities.
This year, Special Olympics brought several of their special needs teens and adults out to experience the fun of overnight camp for a week, joining our campers for some of the activities.
God is also touching the lives of the campers’ parents and caregivers, who are able to experience a much needed break when they can bring their child to camp, knowing that they will be cared for, accepted, and even celebrated.
Several generous donors and charitable foundations have partnered with the Camp to help cover program expenses, and to fund two brand new dorm style cabins that will be available for overnight special needs camps and retreats, and will open up new opportunities for year-round programs and events.
Yes, God is at work in the Special Friends Camps. He is using a lot of people to be His hands and feet, touching lives in a special way. Thank you to all who have had a part in making this program possible this summer!