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Strength and Power

Photo by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Ephesians 6:10 NLT

When the words “strength and power” come up in the same sentence what comes to mind?

The narrative of culture celebrates it in sports, despises it in politics, mocks it in success, and is concerned when unchecked strength and power shows up.

Yet, God speaks of His strength and power in ways that are freely shared with anyone following Him. This verse in Ephesians reminds me of great coach speeches at half-time of a tough game. In this case, the stakes are life itself.

Think about it with me. Have you ever come into the locker room of life only to feel inadequate, vulnerable, tired and out hustled? If I am honest with God and myself, I experience this sense every day. My strength, my experience, and my effort simply are not enough to prevail.

Honestly, the same is true for you. You can try it on your own, and you will come to know what the great Apostle Paul learned. Paul was a tenacious man. Prior to coming to know Jesus, God literally tossed him off of his horse, temporarily blinded him, and spoke directly to him. This changed Paul forever. Paul experienced God’s strength to know, once and for all, he was completely out matched.

Much of his writing deals with God’s overwhelming strength and power, to the point where Paul actually prefers life in Christ over his own self-made life.

Encouragement: Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power begins an epic half time speech of getting ready for the game, the battle, and the challenge. Put on all the gear and the armor. Be prepared. Lean into God’s power and strength. Be equipped in every way as God gives you what you need. Be aware of the sabotaging efforts of the opposition. Offense and defense. In God, you can do this!!!

Prayer: Dear Father, today I declare that I am not strong enough to deal with my life. You are. Thank you. I am putting on the gear You have given me to live in a world filled with battles and brokenness. Thank You for giving me Your strength and power today. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

-Ed McDowell, Executive Director,
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center

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