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Summer Employment

Join the team and change lives this summer!

Grow in your faith, invest in the lives of others, and have fun!

Important Information

  • Standard summer staff contract is Mid-June through the end of August. For specific dates, see below.
  • Staff must attend their position’s “orientation training” at the beginning of summer (see important dates below). Staff will receive a stipend for that orientation period. Contract pay will begin immediately after.
  • Summer staff are required to live on-grounds in dorms or cabin style accommodations with other staff members or campers.
  • Meals are provided during the week, and optional weekend meals. In most accommodations there is a kitchen available to make your own meals for your times off, if desired.
  • Scheduled time off will depend largely on position.
    • Counselors & Cabin Guides will have Saturday evening to Monday mornings and several hours off each day.
    • Camp Nurse will be similar to the counselor & cabin guides with time off being Saturday afternoons to Monday Mornings.
    • Wranglers will have Saturday evening to Monday morning off, having some Saturday afternoons off, and a couple evenings off each week.
    • Hospitality Assistant, Accommodations, Food Service, Grounds Keeping and Adventure & Aquatics Guide staff will have a varied schedule and may include several days or half days off each week, working most weekends.
  • Requested time off (such as weddings, school functions, etc.) must be in writing and given the “okay” from your supervisor prior to being hired-if at all possible.
  • We will interview applicants as they apply and will accept applications until all positions have been filled.

Important Dates

  • Cabin Guides & Adventure/Aquatics Guides arrive June 16. Last day of camp, August 19.
  • Horse Camp Counselors arrive June 24. Last day of camp, August 24.
  • Special Friends Camp Counselors arrive June 15. Last day of camp, August 18.
  • Wranglers arrive June 17. Last day of camp, August 24. 
  • Hospitality Assistant, Accommodations, Food Service and Grounds Keeping staff typically arrives the week of June 18 and end on August 25, depending on your availability. Some positions may start as early as May and continue through September.

Contract dates are flexible to some degree based on your availability but all exact dates are pre-arranged with hiring manager for your specific contract and your needs as well as the camp’s needs.

Mission Statement of Warm Beach Camp

We exist to provide environments, experiences, and resources which draw people of all ages to God through the ministry of Christian camping.

Desired Outcomes of Warm Beach Camp

  • To see people come to know Jesus Christ
  • To see people grow in Christian living
  • To see people prepare for worldwide service
  • To see people helped through education
  • To see people nurtured through character-building activities
  • To see people have fun
  • To see people experience rest and renewal in a retreat setting

Zero Tolerance for Abuse:

Warm Beach Christian Camps and Conference Center maintains a firm commitment to provide a safe and healthy work environment for its employees and quality services to its constituency.  The success of this commitment depends largely upon the health of our employees. Warm Beach Christian Camps and Conference Center recognizes that substance abuse has an adverse impact on employee health and impairs our ability to maintain a safe environment free from the effects of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs. We conduct random drug tests at Warm Beach Camp.  Submission to such testing is a condition of employment.

Warm Beach Christian Camps and Conference Center maintains a sacred trust over the health and safety of any guests and staff especially children, our most vulnerable population. There is zero tolerance for abuse of any kind, physical, sexual or emotional. In order to protect against the potential of abuse, specific procedures are required of staff.

Apply Now

Taking Root

Warm Beach Camp Ministries has cultivated an environment rich in God’s glory. By stewarding well what God has gifted us with, we have remained a place where life-changing experiences occur week in and week out. In 2023, we embarked on a journey to connect one million people with Christ. We are living with intentional faith to see this realized in 2030. In 2025, Warm Beach Camp Ministries is Taking Root in the life offered by God through faith in Jesus ...

The Ministry at The Lights of Christmas

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2, NIV) At Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center, The Lights of Christmas is more than just an event—it’s a season of transformation. Every year, our entire staff pauses normal operations to focus on preparing for and hosting this magical event. Whether it’s during all-staff workdays for setup and takedown or working together to serve ...


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