The Lord is Our God

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
“Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.”
Deuteronomy 6:4 NLT
The Israelite people were about to make a significant transition that had taken several decades. The journey from being slaves in Egypt was about to change upon entering the promised land. The promised land was abundant in nearly every way. Good soil, plentiful water and established infrastructure were awaiting the people of Israel.
In the promised land were also many “trip hazards” that could cause real harm. There were a variety of religious beliefs that worshiped other gods, unmerited abundance developed by others, and the substitution of ownership over stewardship of all that God provided, to name a few.
Part of the preparation for this incredible journey were clear directions and commands from God with a simple message: Obey my commands and things will go well for you and yours.
At the center of this message were constant reminders:
- The Lord is your God.
- He is the one true God.
- Always remember your God.
- Remember Him in times of abundance.
- Obey Him even when other religions would seek to pull you away.
- Stay connected to His teaching.
- Remind your children of God and His ways always.
Encouragement: The same holds true for today. God is our God. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one God. It is a real challenge to follow as there are many “trip hazards” surrounding religious diversity and personal prosperity. Jesus Christ is the way, truth and life. Not matter what comes our way, there is nothing better than following Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Father, today we declare faithfulness to You in all circumstances. We need Your help in not getting lost in the swirl of cultural confusion. We recognize our continuing need and growing desire for You and Your ways. Lead on God. Lead on Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our one true God. In Jesus name, Amen
-Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center