WBC Tests Software for Microsoft Corporation
In the spring of 2007, Warm Beach Camp was invited by Microsoft to be one of only a handful of Beta2 live production test sites for a new mid-size server product under development. This opportunity provided the Camp with leading-edge Microsoft software along with hardware from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Hewlett-Packard (HP) worth more than $50,000 in total. It also included advanced training, service, and support.
When you think about camp, conferences or retreats, the last thing you probably think about is how computers work behind the scenes to help it all happen. With the current network of over 55 computers and seven servers, computers – and the generous donors that have helped provide them – have been an important part in the ministry of Warm Beach for more than 25 years.
Today, in response to significant guest requests, Wi-Fi internet access was made available in Cedar Lodge, the Program Center and other areas on the grounds. And, to meet expanding needs, the Camp’s computer network has been extended to offices in outlying buildings around the Camp.
These partnerships with Microsoft, AMD, and HP are just the most recent assistance offered to WBC’s computer system. A grant from the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust, hardware and support from CNS Solutions in Wenatchee, computer cabling provided by students from a community college technical class, and the donations from countless individuals have made it possible for our network to be developed.
Under the capable leadership of WBC Network Administrator, Michael Hall, the Camp’s system is recognized by industry leaders for its worthiness of being a Beta2 test-site. As a result, funds that would have been needed for computer upgrades and system maintenance can be used for other ministry needs instead.
After extensive testing and training, the Beta2 software was put into production use in January and upgraded to “release candidate” in late May. When the software is officially released for sale to the public later this fall, Warm Beach will be upgraded to that final version. We look forward to continuing this relationship with Microsoft, HP and AMD.
So, the next time you receive a registration confirmation letter or e-mail from the Camp, look up the date of a program on the Camp’s extensive website, or use the new online registration system to sign up for The Lights of Christmas, thank the Lord for His generous provision of technology resources given to support the ministry of Warm Beach Camp.