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Who Put a Nickel in You?

Many nickels later, he is still talking about the night in which his life was changed forever. It was a humid summer night and he was sitting on an old folding metal chair towards the back of the Program Center, as this was an easy escape if the preacher went on too long. That night, however, time seemed to stop. Thoughts of being first in line at the snack shack and playing tag with his friends seemed to disappear. Voices of his friends calling from outside faded until he only heard one voice … it was the voice of God!

Adults flooded the altar to make commitments to Christ and to receive prayer. To a 13-year-old, it was embarrassing to go forward, but something tugged on this young boy’s heart so hard that it pulled him right up out of that metal chair. At the young age of 13, as the sun was setting over Port Susan Bay, this boy found himself at the altar saying, “Yes!” to living a life that would follow God wherever he led.

In my opinion, there are very few organizations that stay true to their mission and vision. Warm Beach Camp has succeeded in Christian Camping because they have not compromised their mission and vision. One of the desired outcomes of the mission of Warm Beach Camp is that people would be prepared for worldwide Christian service. Without this young boy knowing, every time he heard a Bible story or watched a skit around a camp fire at youth camp, he was being prepared for worldwide Christian service.

While working on summer staff from 1993-1996, and again in 1998, he led those same Bible stories and participated in skits around the same camp fire. Those years in which he worked on staff helped mold him into the person he is today.

So, whatever became of that 13-year-old boy? I can tell you, because that boy was me.

This past July, in the same auditorium at WBC where I said “Yes” to God, I was ordained Elder in the Free Methodist Denomination, and also commissioned, along with my wife, Jennifer, and our children, as career missionaries to Malawi, Africa. Warm Beach Camp has played an important role in my life and has helped prepare me for Christian service in the United States, and now in Malawi, Africa. Thank you, Warm Beach Camp, for preparing me and many others for worldwide Christian service.

[Editor’s note: The Willsons are currently raising their support in preparation for leaving for the mission field. If you would like to contact them for more information, or to become a prayer or financial partner in their ministry, please contact Ryan at PO Box 106, Tonasket, WA 98855, or e-mail him at]

Directional sign listing options of Ethics, Honesty, and Integrity

Bad Managment

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10 NLT Jesus tells the story of a wealthy man who hires a manager to look after his business. The owner learns that the manager is mismanaging his business and money. The owner calls the manager to account by telling the manager to get his things in order. The owner ...

Horse Spotlight | Daisy

We want to introduce you to the horses that serve at the Warm Beach Horsemanship and are highlighting our third horse from the herd this month.  Please meet, Daisy!  She and Royal are the youngest in herd. Age: 3 months, born May 14, 2024 Breed: Quarter Horse Height: 11 hands (44"), Daisy is expected to mature to 15+ hands (60"+) Weight: 250 lbs Color: Smokey Black (The result of crossing Black & Palomino genes) Discipline: Warm Beach Horsemanship Heart Melter! ...

Outdoor School Outreach

Regardless of who comes to Warm Beach Camp, they are instantly immersed in God’s presence. One avenue in which the ministry is sharing His presence is through the Outdoor School program. This program is broadening the scope of who the ministry serves, participating in community engagement and impacting the local community. A fifth-grade class from a local elementary school recently attended Outdoor School at Warm Beach Camp. As a demonstration of gratitude, each student wrote a thank you letter to ...