WILL you be a good steward?
If you are like me, and probably you are, I try very hard to manage my resources. As a Christian, being a good steward of my money and other resources is a spiritual responsibility. I wouldn’t dream of handing that responsibility over to someone else!
Yet, many people have not prepared their will. Without a will, the state court will appoint someone to make all the decisions for you, often ignoring your important preferences. Even with a will, your estate will go through probate. There will be fees associated and delays in the disposition of your assets.
Your will includes:
- Executor – A trusted friend or relative who will carry out your wishes
- Guardianship – Deciding who will serve as guardians of your minor children, and providing guidelines concerning how the children will be raised
- Bequeaths – Disposition of your accumulated wealth, to your beneficiaries & charities
What we do during our lifetime becomes a statement of our faith. Our will, also serves as a final testimony of our faith-journey in life and gives direction as to how we want our property distributed. We exercise good stewardship when we plan and write a will. We can also leave a legacy that lives on after we are gone.
Our Warm Beach Foundation Director, Darrell Weiland, will be happy to meet with you for a no-cost, no obligation consultation to explain your options and answer any questions you may have. You can reach Darrell by calling (425) 308-6712, or contact him by email.