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Because Life Changes Here.

Kids2camp benefit auction 858Looking around the grounds, you can see it; praying for the campers, you can feel it. Life changes here. Sometimes lives change as a result of simply arriving at Warm Beach Camp. For some families, sending their kids to camp is financially and logistically impossible, but impossible situations are where God does His best work.

A mom and her teenagers living in a car for the past year; a grandmother desperate to rescue her granddaughter out of a dangerous living environment; single parents working low wage jobs; parents who have lost their jobs; etc.—these are real stories about real people who call the Registration Department at Warm Beach Camp, looking for help. With our Kids 2 Camp Scholarship program, we are able to bless the children of these families with a week at camp where they can be safe and cared for, and just be kids.

In addition to individual families, Warm Beach Camp partners with churches and organizations to bring children to camp. Our ministry partners bring children of incarcerated parents, children of migrant farm workers, children of immigrant families from African countries, and children of the homeless or those in transitional housing. This summer, Warm Beach Camp also partnered with churches from the Oso/Darrington area to bring nearly 30 kids affected by the mudslide to camp.

Because of generous and loving donors, the Kids 2 Camp Scholarship Program at Warm Beach Camp provides a way for these kids to come to a week of summer camp. Children from all types of difficult situations come and experience loving counselors, good food, fun games, swimming, chapel times, and more. During a week at camp, God has an opportunity to speak to their hearts. What happens as a result? Lives are touched by love and transformed.

Together, we are the body of Christ. We are His hands, His feet, and His heart. The work done at Warm Beach Camp begins long before our guests set foot on the grounds. Our faithful prayer partners, generous donors, and volunteers pour out their hearts and resources all year long to make this ministry possible. Thank you!

If you would like to be a part of the incredible work God is doing at Warm Beach Camp, through prayer, financial giving, or volunteering your time, please go to our Giving section. And remember — life changes here.
Join us for the Kids 2 Camp Benefit Auction, Saturday, August 23rd! Click here for event details and auction item list.

God Speaks through Rosie

I have recently been given the opportunity to work with Rosie, one of our newer horses that we are bringing along in training here at the Warm Beach Horsemanship barn. I am always excited to get to know a new horse and their personality. However, it didn’t take long to realize this sweet mare harbored a lot of anxiety and worry. I tried to coax her into calmness with gentleness and patience, but she still didn’t fully trust me. When ...

Meet Adriene, the new Disabilities Ministries Coordinator

Warm Beach Camp is excited to announce Adriene Duguay as the Developmental Disabilities Ministries Coordinator! Adriene was born and raised in Shoreline, Washington, and graduated with a degree in Psychology from Trinity Western University in British Columbia. Adriene has diverse work experience ranging from working housekeeping at Seattle Pacific University to working in a hockey shop to, most recently, working at a day camp. No matter where she has found herself, she keeps being called back to working with individuals ...

New program, Camp SunSparrow, opening this summer!

Warm Beach Camp Ministries is delighted and grateful for the opportunity to bring back a beloved program in a new way. Serving persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities has been heavily led by the guidance of God through the decades, and Warm Beach Camp is elated to be serving this community once more! Through the evolution and restructuring of Special Friends Camp, Camp SunSparrow has emerged as the newest program in a long line of the Disabilities Ministry at Warm ...