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Remember The Lights

As a little girl I was terrified of the dark. It seemed to have its own weight and shape-shifting qualities that made it overwhelming. Living in a huge old Craftsman style home that went from comforting to ominous when the shadows turned long, set the stage for those anxieties more than efficiently.

I remember on certain nights how my eyes would search for light. Light from the street lamp, light from the hallway, light from the neighbor’s window. Remembering where to find the light was a great comfort to me then, and it is even more so now.

Life can get dark. Jesus guaranteed it would in John 16:33, “In this Godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” (Message Version)

‘Continue to experience difficulties…’ Some of us could wear a t-shirt with our name on it that has that phrase emblazoned across the back… or maybe the front… or maybe both. Financial challenges, health challenges, relationship difficulties, losses of every kind. Life can feel very dark, especially around the holidays.

But just like way back when I was a little girl, I remember where to look for the lights.

And honestly, for me, nowhere embodies the reminder of Jesus and His Light like The Lights of Christmas festival at Warm Beach Camp. You don’t have to walk very far and you hear songs of His love, see the joy of a toddler with a fresh hot doughnut, or sweethearts of all ages, rosy with the glow of love and hope. From across the water of the Sound, the Lights break through the inky black of the coast line shouting JOY TO THE WORLD and PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TO ALL MEN!

The lights are a visual testimony of the beauty and warmth, the joy and hope, and the peace and mercy Jesus came to bring us. In the most fragile of packages, He brought everything we would need to face the continual difficulties that accompany this earthly life.

This Christmas season I will remember where to look for the lights…and I hope you will too.

-Margret Spears
Warm Beach Camp Volunteer

God Speaks through Rosie

I have recently been given the opportunity to work with Rosie, one of our newer horses that we are bringing along in training here at the Warm Beach Horsemanship barn. I am always excited to get to know a new horse and their personality. However, it didn’t take long to realize this sweet mare harbored a lot of anxiety and worry. I tried to coax her into calmness with gentleness and patience, but she still didn’t fully trust me. When ...

Meet Adriene, the new Disabilities Ministries Coordinator

Warm Beach Camp is excited to announce Adriene Duguay as the Developmental Disabilities Ministries Coordinator! Adriene was born and raised in Shoreline, Washington, and graduated with a degree in Psychology from Trinity Western University in British Columbia. Adriene has diverse work experience ranging from working housekeeping at Seattle Pacific University to working in a hockey shop to, most recently, working at a day camp. No matter where she has found herself, she keeps being called back to working with individuals ...

New program, Camp SunSparrow, opening this summer!

Warm Beach Camp Ministries is delighted and grateful for the opportunity to bring back a beloved program in a new way. Serving persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities has been heavily led by the guidance of God through the decades, and Warm Beach Camp is elated to be serving this community once more! Through the evolution and restructuring of Special Friends Camp, Camp SunSparrow has emerged as the newest program in a long line of the Disabilities Ministry at Warm ...