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Do Right, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

“No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8 NLT

There’s a real challenge going on in the world.  It appears at many levels that we are losing interest in God. I see it in campers who are coming to Warm Beach Camp. Many have no knowledge of God, the Bible, and the relationship available through Jesus Christ. For many, it’s brand new information.

Knowing God and remembering His faithfulness is meant to be passed from generation to generation.  If my kids remember nothing else from me, I want them to remember God’s love and faithfulness in their lives. He has seen us through some incredible seasons of life. God raised up a big bio/adoptive family. God has brought together different backgrounds and cultures. He has provided when things were very difficult financially. God has healed where we needed healing. God has always made a way through. God is not through working in our family. He is faithful, and I love Him.

I trust God completely.

He is trustworthy.

The context of this verse of scripture is simply that people had forgotten God and had embraced corruption as a means of making life work. The people were also considering extravagant sacrifices to “keep God happy.”

Micah reminds us of some very simple truth: Here is what is good and what God requires:

Do what is right: Set aside corruption and dishonest gain. Live with honesty and integrity. Be fair and keep your word with others.

Love mercy: We are living today because God is merciful. Mercy puts us in a position of compassion and kindness towards others. As we receive mercy every day, let’s be generous in extending it to others.

Walk humbly with God: Understand that God is God. Any standing we have before Him is because He allows and encourages it. I am so grateful to be adopted into God’s family through Jesus Christ. God has made this possible. It is with gratitude and thankfulness that I live in relationship with Him today.

As I consider the problem of people losing interest in God, I am reminded to share God with others by doing what is right, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. Pass this down from generation to generation, passing down the only inheritance that really matters.

Encouragement:  Remember God’s faithfulness in your life. Don’t lose interest in God. Focus on doing what is right, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the clear direction for our lives. Thank You for Your faithfulness and mercy. Thank You for seeking relationship with us.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

-Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center


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