God’s Grace and Power

Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash
Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT
The apostle Paul was a very accomplished person. He had a high degree of learning. He was articulate. He had a unique and life changing encounter with God. All that Paul learned was transferred into action sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. This guy was tenacious. He trusted God with his very life.
Paul endured much. He made powerful statements about learning to be content in any and all circumstances life offered. In this letter to the Corinthians Paul shares with us that God has allowed a situation to persist in his life that keeps him from becoming a proud, self-sufficient person. He asks God on three occasions to remove this situation from his life.
God’s response is simple and clear: “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”
If this is true for Paul, it is also true for you and me. God does not want us to become proud in ourselves. Pride in self leads to a false sense of self-sufficiency. When selfish boasting and pride take over, we incrementally come to believe that anything good is coming from us. We elevate ourselves and we lose sight of God.
Don’t be surprised if God allows a situation or circumstance in your life that is a persistent weakness. This is certainly true in my life. Business management is my issue of persistent weakness. God has graciously allowed this place of weakness to persist that keeps me before Him constantly. He has surrounded me with wise people to give guidance and direction.
Anytime I try to handle this area of life on my own, it goes in the wrong direction. Being before God, reading, learning and seeking good counsel, I do find God’s grace is all I need. I do find that His power works best in my weakness.
Encouragement: Ask God to show you your weakness where His grace and power can work. Share this realization with one or two people.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for Paul’s example of understanding your grace and power in our lives through our weaknesses. Thank you for keeping us focused on you and your amazing work in our lives. Thank you for guarding us against boasting in ourselves. Thank you for being gracious and strong in our lives. In Jesus name, Amen.
-Ed McDowell, Executive Director
Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center