News & Updates

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Horseback Riding and Vaulting Lessons are being offered this winter. These weekly lessons are ideal for riders to sustain the riding improvements they experience during summer camp. For more information, contact Patti at Warm Beach Camp, or log onto the Camp's website. When the cost of fuel was sky-high, some people had to park their full-size pickup trucks, and others tried to sell them. If you have a full-size pickup that you've discovered you no longer really need, would you ...

Tony Campolo to Speak at Warm Beach Camp

"Jesus desperately wants you to allow Him to work through you to begin to change His world into the world He wills for it to be." These words, excerpted from Tony Campolo's book, You Can Make a Difference, paint a vivid picture of the message that will be shared at the next Potter's Wheel Weekend, February 13-15, 2009. Tony Campolo will be spending the weekend at Warm Beach Camp and those attending will not only have their views of the ...

Bob and Joan – Helping to Make it Happen!

By Jessica Beach, Volunteer Coordinator This being my first year as the Volunteer Coordinator for The Lights of Christmas, I have been a little nervous about recruiting, and scheduling more than 500 volunteers into 1,800 shifts for this momentous event. My co-workers have been assuring me (probably due to my periodic hyperventilation) that all will be well. Their confidence, which is certainly not rooted in my years of experience, made me suspicious that they had information that I did not. ...

August Extravaganza Auction Donors

We would like to say a heartfelt thank you to each of the following individuals and businesses that helped make the August Extravaganza, held on August 23, 2008, a huge success. And we encourage your patronage of these outstanding businesses.   Acai Vida, Lee Smith, Stanwood, WAAce Hardware, Stanwood, WAAdriatic Grill, Tacoma, WAAlpine Fire and Safety Systems, Inc., Steve and Tami Bounds, Burlington, WAAmigo Mexican Restaurant, Jose De La Cruz, Owner, Stanwood, WABob Barber, Stanwood, WABattle Creek Golf Course, Tulalip, ...

Fall 2008

Day Camp Goes to the Kids! "... The tents were set up, games organized, and all was readied to greet the children arriving at noon for a two-and-a-half-day camp extraordinaire."The Baylight Dinner Theatre is the Answer! Does an evening of delicious gourmet food and absorbing live entertainment sound interesting?Director's Column Into All The WorldA Place Where Walls can Come Down "Warm Beach Camp is a place where we can take our kids out of the city - away from the ...

Day Camp Goes to the Kids!

By Sylvia Miles, Day Creek Chapel I went to pick up the last vestiges of "Camp 2 Kids" from the campground we set up in a field on our property in Day Creek, Washington. The seven tents are gone, sleeping bags and gear for 26 kids and five counselors are cleared out. Just two nights before, voices of 2nd - 5th graders sent decibel levels off the charts. I take a moment to reflect on the weekend events, and to ...

The Baylight Dinner Theatre is the Answer!

By Loren Isaac, The Lights of Christmas Assistant Director Are you looking for something really special to do during the holiday season? Does an evening of delicious gourmet food and absorbing entertainment sound interesting? We have the perfect solution for you! The Lights of Christmas Baylight Dinner Theatre offers a delicious six course dinner with choice of entrée's (including a vegetarian option), and a full length holiday theatre production. The Baylight Dining room, dressed in festive décor and the professional ...

Director’s Column

Into All The World One of the Bible teachers here at the Camp this summer asked the question, "Why are we so reluctant to do what God is asking us to do?" Answers began coming. One answer was that sometimes we don't know what mission God may be sending us on, so we sit around and wait for Him to speak. Or we might be afraid to answer the call. Then, the final comment, spoken strongly, without hesitation, "The first ...

A Place Where Walls can Come Down

By Doug Jonson, Tacoma Youth for Christ On July 29, Tacoma Youth for Christ and New Song City Central Church in Tacoma joined together again to go to Warm Beach Camp for our second annual Tacoma Urban Outreach Camp for high schoolers. This time, we also teamed up with Tacoma Rescue Mission and Peace Lutheran Church, also in Hilltop. We brought 53 kids from Tacoma. A majority of our kids come from the Hilltop and Eastside areas of Tacoma, and ...

New Volunteer Cottage is a Real Blessing!

By Patrick Patterson, Director of Administration Warm Beach Camp's ministry relies heavily upon volunteers who give days, weeks, months, and sometimes years, to "keeping the path clear to the cross." Our summer camps particularly rely upon a strong corps of volunteer nurses, camp pastors, and counselors. Typically each week, there are up to two nurses and one camp pastor assisting with Day Camp, Horse Camp, and W-Bar-B Ranch Camps. Additionally, dozens of volunteer counselors support the ministry throughout the summer. ...

Potter’s Wheel Series Provides Faith-Building Opportunities

At Warm Beach Camp, our goal is to provide events and experiences that "keep the path clear to the cross," and to help each person that steps foot on the grounds come away feeling encouraged and stronger in their faith. The Potter's Wheel Retreat series is specifically designed for spiritual formation. These retreats are intended to provide relaxed, reflective times to enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings, time of personal prayer, rest, renewal, meaningful worship, and powerful teaching. As ...

New Leadership for the New WBC Foundation

By Nelson Nelson, Development Director Little did Darrell Weiland realize that his 14 years of working with AWANA, an international, non-denominational para-church organization, would lead him to join the Development team at Warm Beach Camp this past June. As an AWANA Missionary (1992-2000), and then Regional Ministries Director (2000-2006) for an eight-state area, Darrell's passion for Christian Camping grew while directing seven AWANA youth camps serving 2,000 teens annually. "There is no more effective way of reaching children for Jesus ...

It’s Time to Tee-Up!

By Darrell Weiland, Warm Beach Camp Foundation Director "FORE!" I yelled! My shot went left and into the woods, "OB" - out of bounds. Fortunately, we were playing best ball and I was confident that Phil could put it long and in the fairway - which he did! That's one of the benefits of playing in a tournament like the one we will be holding on Monday, September 22, 2008. This will be the second annual Kids 2 Camp Benefit ...

Does it Take a Visit from an Angel?

By Jessica Beach, Volunteer Coordinator Imagine with me for a moment, your church secretary on a typical Thursday morning. She is going about her regular tasks - filing and typing up the bulletin - when the phone rings. "Hello. Oh, hi Stacy. How are you? How is the leg healing? ... Oh, I know the best part of hurting yourself is all the food they bring. Have you gotten one of Rachel's pies yet? ... They..." The secretary stops mid-sentence ...

Thank You to Our Embracing the Vision Banquet Sponsors

The following individuals and businesses together helped covered the costs of the Camp's two Embracing the Vision (ETV) banquets held last May in Bellevue and Everett. These dinners enabled us to share the story of what God is doing through WBC with the nearly 800 people who attended. As a result, many people were introduced to WBC for the first time, and more than $400,000 was raised for the ETV campaign. We are so thankful for each person who attended ...

Warm Beach Camp — a Tropical Paradise!

By Matthew Lambert, Guest Services Associate Each year, Warm Beach Camp serves many different guest groups, providing facilities and services to support conference and retreat programs run by other non-profit organizations. Occasionally, a group comes to WBC with a unique approach to their time here. One such group who came recently, the Arthritis Foundation Families, held a retreat for kids and teens with rheumatic diseases, and their families, called "KAT-FISH" Camp. The theme of their camp was "Escape to Paradise." ...

The Lights of Christmas: Taking Time to Breathe

By Keith Yarter, The Lights of Christmas Director Christmastime for some reason seems to make year-end accelerate into the "race" gear that takes our breath away. Our November and December calendars are filled with shopping, parties, school plays, musicals shows and a myriad of other social and family functions. You had better not forget that special present for Aunt Mable. For me, Christmastime is never very far away from my thoughts, even in the middle of summer! So, how does ...

Warm Beach Vaulters Fly Through Nationals

By Patrick Patterson, Director of Administration For the second year in a row, the Warm Beach Vaulters were the only Pacific Northwest Vaulting program participating in the team competition at the AmericanVaulting Association (AVA) National Competition. The Warm Beach Vaulters took 21 participants and three horses to Watsonville, CA, August 9-12 to compete. According to Patti Skipton, vaulting coach, California is the hub for U.S. vaulting and presents the toughest competition in the Nation. This year's competition featured nearly 80 ...


Horseback Riding and Vaulting Lessons are being offered this fall. These weekly lessons are ideal for riders to sustain the riding improvements they experience during summer camp. For more information, contact email Patti or call her at the Camp. Eyerusalem McDowell, daughter of Ed and Bev McDowell, was recently named a "Shining Star" by the Stanwood School District for the '07-'08 school year. This award is given to students who have demonstrated their abilities to work hard and overcome challenges. ...

WBC Tests Software for Microsoft Corporation

In the spring of 2007, Warm Beach Camp was invited by Microsoft to be one of only a handful of Beta2 live production test sites for a new mid-size server product under development. This opportunity provided the Camp with leading-edge Microsoft software along with hardware from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Hewlett-Packard (HP) worth more than $50,000 in total. It also included advanced training, service, and support. When you think about camp, conferences or retreats, the last thing you probably ...