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Endurance Testing = Capacity Building

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
James 1:2-4 NLT

“This better be worth it!” is a phrase often used when working through a situation that is challenging and takes real effort to see through.

“I can’t believe this is happening to me!” is another phrase associated with unwanted challenges or circumstances.

“This is an opportunity for great joy!” does not tend to be the first response to troubles and hardships that come our way. Yet, this is the statement the Apostle James gives to us to focus on. He says this because he wants us to understand the deeper opportunity:

  • When faith is tested, endurance has the opportunity to grow: This is significant. Showing up in life with increased endurance is so helpful, not only at a personal level, but for the people we live, work, and play with.
  • Developed endurance produces increased capacity: Showing up in life with an increased capacity to respond to situations on any given day is something everyone benefits from. People with developed endurance have the capacity to “stand in” during difficult times. They are able to work with what is around them to effectively respond and work through difficult situations.

There is another phrase often spoken by endurance builders: “I never want to go through this again, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world because of what I have learned and experienced!” This summarizes the reason for joy. Endurance testing builds capacity.

Having a high level of capacity in life requires experiencing endurance, and not running away from it. In matters of conditioning, coaches, and mentors are often sought out. The primary benefits of good coaching and mentoring are to provide accountability, encouragement, and increased capacity. This will always require facing challenges with a perspective of joy and opportunity, because of faith in what the outcome will be: An increased capacity to respond to life’s opportunities and challenges.

What endurance testing are you working through right now? Give it a name if you can. As difficult as it is to go through, what capacity might God be pouring into your life as you work through this? How might it build capacity in you? How might it offer hope and help to others?

Stay with the endurance testing you are going through. Your faith has the opportunity to go deeper, and you will have an increased capacity to navigate life with all of its ups and downs.
By the way, your increased capacity will be a gift to others.

-Ed McDowell, CEO
Warm Beach Camp Ministries

Directional sign listing options of Ethics, Honesty, and Integrity

Bad Managment

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10 NLT Jesus tells the story of a wealthy man who hires a manager to look after his business. The owner learns that the manager is mismanaging his business and money. The owner calls the manager to account by telling the manager to get his things in order. The owner ...

Horse Spotlight | Daisy

We want to introduce you to the horses that serve at the Warm Beach Horsemanship and are highlighting our third horse from the herd this month.  Please meet, Daisy!  She and Royal are the youngest in herd. Age: 3 months, born May 14, 2024 Breed: Quarter Horse Height: 11 hands (44"), Daisy is expected to mature to 15+ hands (60"+) Weight: 250 lbs Color: Smokey Black (The result of crossing Black & Palomino genes) Discipline: Warm Beach Horsemanship Heart Melter! ...

Outdoor School Outreach

Regardless of who comes to Warm Beach Camp, they are instantly immersed in God’s presence. One avenue in which the ministry is sharing His presence is through the Outdoor School program. This program is broadening the scope of who the ministry serves, participating in community engagement and impacting the local community. A fifth-grade class from a local elementary school recently attended Outdoor School at Warm Beach Camp. As a demonstration of gratitude, each student wrote a thank you letter to ...