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“This was a great, somewhat difficult time. The acceptance of the reality that marriage is very difficult and work, but worth it was a valuable concept to me.”

“Thank you, team, for investing in us, and sharing from your experiences, and life. It means so much to see strong marriages founded on God that last the test of time, struggles, and everything else that attacks the true purpose of a marriage centered on God.”

Commitment made: “Closer communication and understanding of my bride and a commitment to more intentional prayer and Word study together.”

“I don’t think anything should be left out. I wish it was a little longer!” (from a guy) Commitment made towards God’s goals for us and accountability partners.”

Commitment made: “Devotion time, spend more time with both sides of family, reassured our commitment to stay pure, learn and use the love languages.”

“We need to focus on our relationship with Christ more as individuals, and we need to develop a plan for our relationship with each other as it relates to Christ. Thank you so much, this was a great weekend! A+”

“That serving one another in love is a concept that must be top of mind and shown each day to one another.”

“The presentations on Love Languages and differences between men’s and women’s thinking styles meant the most to me. We want to be committed to each other in marriage and have God in our marriage.”

“We’ve made the commitment to really set aside time for God in our marriage so that we can grow in Him as well as grow together.”

“Love Languages meant the most to us. Our orders are completely flipped so it will be very helpful to understand the other person in this way. It explains why many of my efforts have gone unnoticed. Making sure that we set aside time for devotions rather than only having them when it’s convenient.”

“We are really going to work on finding a specific church and also spend more time sharing together reading verses from the Bible.”

“Love is a choice” “Love is an action” . . . priceless phrase. I loved all the personal stories. The panel is fantastic. Thank you for your time!”

From a guy. . . “5 stars! (out of 5, of course!) All 3 couples/leaders gave great, inspirational and insightful perspectives on each topic. Thank you, Thank you, etc. for giving so much of your personal time.”

“Love languages meant the most to me. This gives me a perspective and new knowledge on what’s critical to her.”

“Love is a choice, not a feeling”

Commitment made: “Physical boundaries reinforced, and prayer becoming a part of our daily lives together, not just as individuals.”

“We have committed to continue to stay pure until our wedding day and to pray and seek God’s will in our lives.”

“We have committed to taking our commitment to physical purity a step higher, not just no sex, but reduced areas of touching.”

“I have made a commitment to ask my fiancé to move out, break off engagement, drop out of Unity Church and attend a Bible believing, Christ centered church.”

“Commitment to have God in our marriage, putting Him first always.”

“We had a deep discussion on sexual boundaries. As the wedding is getting closer, we had started to slip, but this reconfirmed our decision to wait until marriage. We have also made a commitment to set apart time to be with God together each day.”

Another guy. . . “I would add another day!”

“This is no picnic, the up’s and downs, but with God at the wheel it’s much more manageable. God has always been a part in my life, now its bigger. Fun and informative weekend.”

“Commitment to wait and see what God has in mind for our relationship.”

A Legacy of Prayer

I felt tears in my eyes when I learned that the Warm Beach Pony Club riders circle up and pray together before going into competition rounds. Unbeknownst to the Pony Clubbers and Meg Rudy, Assistant Horsemanship Director, that humble stance of prayer is a continuation of a legacy. For 15+ years, those of us who were part of the Warm Beach Vaulting team would do the same thing before running into a competition round. Praying at the entrance to the ...

A Joyous Gathering

The Horsemanship Volunteer Impact Dinner last month was a joyous gathering. With 70 in attendance, this event celebrated the faithful generosity, hard work, skills, and gifts of those who selflessly give of their time and energy down at the Barn. The night was filled with light-hearted laughter and heartfelt stories, reflecting the spiritual impact the program has on those involved. While the close-knit community connected over dinner, those in attendance learned how truly significant their contributions are. Mary-Grace Wallace, Horsemanship ...

Taking Root

Warm Beach Camp Ministries has cultivated an environment rich in God’s glory. By stewarding well what God has gifted us with, we have remained a place where life-changing experiences occur week in and week out. In 2023, we embarked on a journey to connect one million people with Christ. We are living with intentional faith to see this realized in 2030. In 2025, Warm Beach Camp Ministries is Taking Root in the life offered by God through faith in Jesus ...