Volunteer Groups Make a Difference!
“It’s difficult to say how long I’ve been volunteering at The Lights of Christmas. It’s been so long I don’t remember,” said volunteer George Colby. After giving it some thought, George figures he has been bringing groups to volunteer at The Lights for more than ten years. This year, he came with three different groups, the Boy Scouts, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and the Camano Chapel youth group.
Volunteer groups make up about a third of the total number of volunteers who help at The Lights. This year, 15 volunteer groups came to serve. When I asked George why he comes year after year, he said, “I think it’s a practical way to be involved in a community service that has a significant purpose. The kids have a great time and it gives me an opportunity to hang out with them in an environment I wouldn’t normally be able to.”
“Volunteering during The Lights of Christmas is not your ordinary volunteer experience,” George said. “It gives kids a chance to do things they wouldn’t normally do, like sell tickets, be a costume character, help in parking, or work in the toy shop. That’s what’s cool about The Lights.”
Not only are the jobs fun but volunteers are served dinner the night they volunteer, receive a ticket to come back to The Lights on another night, and if the group has come from outside the area, provided with overnight accommodations.
“I like volunteering at The Lights because it’s a community service that doesn’t involve trauma, sadness, or brokenness. The whole volunteer experience is based on such a joyful occasion,” said George.
Some of the people who attend The Lights of Christmas come into the event with heavy hearts but, time after time, we are told that the spirit of the event, much contributed to by its volunteers, lifts that sadness and sends guests on their way with a much diminished burden.
Thank you to all of the volunteers of The Lights of Christmas for helping to deliver the hope of the Christmas season to thousands of people.