On That Day…
"And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one Lord —his name alone will be worshiped."- Zechariah 14:9 NLT All of us have those “on that day…” thoughts. “On that day…” represents a point of arrival in one’s journey. Perhaps it is individual or the work of a community, church, or nation. It can represent a milestone or a brief moment of deferred gratitude come to pass. The prophet Zechariah is writing ...
General News |
Enjoy Camp for a Day!
Stepping on the grounds of Warm Beach Camp feels like home. From alumni summer staff to guest group participants, Warm Beach has become a second home to our Partners in Ministry. Last May, at the Partners in Ministry Open House, I reconnected with my friend and fellow summer staff alumni I worked with 22 years ago. We shared a picnic lunch with our families and then watched our kids swim in the very pool that we swam in as campers ...
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An Internship that offers more!
“I’m leaping into the world! This is my first time living on my own, and I feel safe here. I feel like I belong. My favorite part about Warm Beach is the people; it is the coolest place to be!” exclaimed Jessica Graves, a current intern at Warm Beach Camp. A supportive and encouraging environment has been created by Intern Coordinator Sara Kauffman, where interns like Jessica feel safe to push out of their comfort zones. Sara walks alongside each ...
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Help in the Challenges
Luke 24:13-16 NLT "[13] That same day two of Jesus’ followers were walking to the village of Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. [14] As they walked along they were talking about everything that had happened. [15] As they talked and discussed these things, Jesus himself suddenly came and began walking with them. [16] But God kept them from recognizing him." https://bible.com/bible/116/luk.24.13.NLT God, I did not recognize You! One of God’s ways of approaching us is to simply meet us where ...
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Exploring your worth in Christ
“For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hands and says to you, ‘do not fear, I will help you.'" Isaiah 41:13 What I do defines who I am. The choices I make define my value – for better or for worse. Are those things true? There are countless times in my life where I believed that what I did defined who I am. One poignant example occurred when I was 14 years old. I ...
General News, Horsemanship News |
Welcome Matt Pfiffner, the new General Manager!
Warm Beach Camp is excited to announce the new General Manager, Matt Pfiffner! Matt grew up in the Kent/Renton area and attended Kent View Christian School on the grounds of Black Diamond, formerly Camp Berachah. He then attended Trinity Western University in British Columbia, spending his summers working for Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission. He graduated from Trinity Western University with a bachelor’s in psychology and biblical studies and went on to earn a master’s in biblical studies. After graduation, Matt ...
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A Heartwarming and Joyous Plan!
When a woman from a senior community quilter’s group came to Warm Beach Camp, she was not expecting to have a bond with a group of students attending a high school retreat. However, where God is at work, connections can be found in the unlikeliest of places. At mealtimes, the woman and her quilter friends would go to the dining room and share the space with a group of teenagers and their teachers. Through conversation over a delicious meal, it ...
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A Trail 90 Motor Bike with No Light
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalms 119:105 NLT Warm Beach Camp….when everything was green grass, forest, dirt roads graveled paths and a few buildings. I knew every inch of this place, after all, I grew up here. It was the place of adventure, rebellion, friendships, stealing stuff from the snack shop, and sneaking around. It was also the place of profound relationships, where I fell in love and raised a family. It was ...
General News, News |
How God Blessed Warm Beach Horsemanship in 2023
As the new year begins and we reflect on the blessings of the past twelve months, we are filled with gratitude for our community. Warm Beach Horsemanship is blessed by a generous support network, the many hands of devoted volunteers, a valuable circle of horsemen and women, a team of passionate leaders and teachers, and everyone’s (yours, mine, theirs, ours) prayers. Every prayer over our students, horses, volunteers, staff, instructors, and facility is heard and answered. In each season of ...
General News, Horsemanship News |
2024: Focus on What Matters
Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalms 143:8 NLT January 1, 2024. The new year was just beginning. As the morning chores were underway, I turned on the morning news to see what was being reported. It wasn’t news. It was bad news. It was one story after another filled with fear. Very little reporting and a lot of speculation. Bev ...
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Partnering for Transformation
Working together to invite people to come to Jesus Christ is the best! When trusted relationships join in providing transformational experiences, people’s hearts and minds are opened to a gracious God who loves them. Partnering for transformation combines efforts with trusted leaders in providing transformational experiences to connect 1 million people with Jesus by the end of 2027. This year, we are on a mission to work collaboratively with leaders to structure their time at camp in unique ways to ...
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Welcome Allison Brannon!
We are excited to welcome Allison Brannan as a Group Sales Specialist at Warm Beach Camp Ministries! Allison grew up in Kent, Washington, and graduated from Thomas Edison State University with a bachelor’s in liberal studies. She worked part-time from 2008 to 2016 in the Equestrian Program at Camp Berachah. During that time, Allison assisted with therapeutic lessons, led trail rides, became a CHA-certified instructor, and taught Western and English lessons. Camp Berchah became Black Diamond Camp (a Warm Beach ...
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My Marketing Job at Warm Beach Camp Ministries
Hi, my name is Kayla Stikeleather, and I am the Assistant Marketing Manager for Warm Beach Camp Ministries (WBCM), and let me tell you, I love my job! I was hired in 2018 and lived at the Warm Beach Campus with my husband and young daughter until we moved back to the Carolinas in 2021. Now, I work remotely. In my position, I manage social media and digital ads, work on strategic planning, design the marketing strategy with my manager, ...
General News, News |
“I’m Eternally Hopeful!”
God is the source of hope. Let that sink in. All hope flows from God. Joy and peace show up in our lives because of our trust in Him. The Holy Spirit gives us confident hope even when “evidence on the ground” might seem to be saying something else. I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power ...
General News, News |
Three Places of Christmas
"Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker," Psalms 95:6 NLT Christmas is filled with special places that have the potential to draw us closer to Jesus. Here are three of my meaningful places of Christmas I wish for you this year: The Nativity: There are two nativity scenes that I try to spend time at every year. One is at The Lights of Christmas. The other is a small nativity that sits ...
General News, News |
Refreshment in God’s Creation
Looking for a place to do strategic planning for 2024/2025? Check out the meeting rooms at Warm Beach Camp! Get away from the distractions of life and find refreshment in God’s beautiful creation. With stunning views of Port Susan Bay, yummy meal options, and meeting rooms to fit most sized groups, you’re sure to find inspiration. Come experience Christ-like hospitality and stunning views at Warm Beach Camp in Stanwood, Washington. Want a more interactive experience? The Warm Beach staff ...
General News, News |
What’s Unique about Tiny Tots Riding Lessons
“There’s no other place like this.” -Tiny Tot Rider’s Parent The Warm Beach Horsemanship (WBH) program draws participants from ages 3 to 80! From beginning riders to dedicated competitors, kids interested in the Olympics to home schoolers completing their PE credit, there's something for most everyone at WBH. One aspect of the program that can be easy to overlook are the young riders who participate in the half-hour lessons for ages 4-5 called Tiny Tots. A four-year-old rider, new to ...
Horsemanship News, News |
The Delight of God
"No, the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love." -Psalms 147:11 NLT https://bible.com/bible/116/psa.147.11.NLT The Delight of God (spoiler alert: it’s you!) The writer of Psalms 147 makes three things clear: God provides for His created world. God responds to the needs of His children. He is not impressed by our own means of strength and power. There is one more thing God wants us to experience and know: …the Lord’s delight ...
General News, News |
Welcome Jennifer Maxson!
Warm Beach Camp would like to introduce Jennifer Maxson as the Guest Services Event Coordinator! Jennifer was born in Utah and grew up in Shoreline, Washington. She attended Whitworth College and graduated with a bachelor’s in Religion. Jennifer worked at Cascades Camp in Yelm throughout high school and college and loved working with the horses at the ranch. She also has extensive work experience teaching preschool and elementary-age children at daycares and Christian schools. She was assistant manager of Quilter’s ...
General News, News |
Welcome Kevin Craig!
Warm Beach Camp Ministries would like to welcome Kevin Craig as the new Sales Manager! Kevin was born and raised in Rochester, New York, and at thirteen years old, his family moved to the San Francisco Bay area. Kevin has a vast camping ministry career that spans over 37 years! He worked as summer staff for a camp during high school and college before graduating from the University of California, Berkley, with a degree in Architecture. Kevin was called back ...