News & Updates

See & read about what is going on in the Warm Beach Camp & Conference Center community

Come To the Middle

The relationship between horse and rider is similar to our relationship with God. Through interacting with horses all my life, including incredibly meaningful weeks attending Horse Camp as a child, I’ve witnessed God’s fingerprints displayed through horses profoundly. When I was asked to pastor a week of Horse Camp, I had trouble putting pen to paper. Before the first chapel, I dropped to a knee and asked the Holy Spirit to guide my words. He answered my prayer with short ...

Flourishing and Abundance

Abundance from God has a surprising connection with our confession and acknowledgement of our own brokenness and limitations. I have found enormous freedom and confidence by recognizing God is coursing through my life, and increasingly living His will through me. The challenge is to lean into the growth God is putting before me. By leaning into God, I experience flourishing.  Warm Beach Camp Ministries stands in the abundant provision of God. It is daily. It is beyond what we could see or ...

Grateful for Our Faithful Volunteers

I have worked at Warm Beach Camp for many years. Only recently did I begin working with volunteers in a broader context while serving as the Interim Volunteer Coordinator. What an encouragement to all the staff to see how faithfully the volunteers want to serve. Several volunteers help us for many hours each week. So much of what they do is critical to the ministry. During The Lights of Christmas, we have volunteers that fall into the age category of “the golden years” ...

God’s Enduring Love

As we transition from 2021 to 2022 there is a profound truth that has become our focus for 2022:  God’s Enduring Love. We just finished the 24th season of The Lights of Christmas, the 2nd year of a drive-thru format. We shared and experienced God’s enduring love. The story of Jesus coming to save us, God coming to be with us, was clearly evident through, and word. We are grateful for all those who chose to take this in. As we look ...

Is it Better to give or receive?

Photo by @benwhitephotography on Unsplash Growing up I looked forward to receiving Christmas gifts. As I got older, I found the joy in giving gifts to be more rewarding than receiving them. To answer the question, “Is it better to give or receive?” one must look at the context of the situation.  Shortly after arriving at Warm Beach Camp 29 years ago, I had an interesting conversation with Rod Brown who was on the leadership team. At the time, Rod was part of a men’s discipleship group with Pastor ...

Alexander Cook, Black Diamond Intern

Hello! My name is Alexander and I am proud to be a part of the Black Diamond Camp Internship program! I found myself at Camp back in 2019 as a summer staffer, it was then I got to meet all the wonderful staff and experience the beautiful campus. I served two more summers after my first, and now I find myself in the internship program! Camp has really become a large part of my life, something the former me would ...

Christmas, a Season of Wonder!

As a boy, I loved thumbing through the Sears and JC Penny’s catalogues marking Christmas gift ideas for my mom to pass on to Santa. The nativity set in my grandparents’ home evoked a deep sense of mystery in the curious scene. The song, Little Drummer Boy, fueled my imagination as I thought about what it would have been like to actually see the baby Jesus. Christmas is a celebration of life in all its fullness and possibility. Christmas is ...

Praise the Lord for our new Guest Service Associates, Scott Brandenberger & Liz McBride

Welcome Scott Brandenberger! Many of you may already know him from his time as Camp counselor at Warm Beach in 2005. In the intervening years, Scott has lived in Korea where he met and married his wife, Grace. They have three wonderful kids (Alan, Elsa, Levi)  to add to our Camp family. Scott has also owned his own woodworking business, been a teacher and brings many years of customer service to our team. He will be working on the Registration ...

This is God’s Place

God chose Warm Beach Camp to be the home of The Lights of Christmas! He chose the people to start this amazing experience to share the true message of Christmas. He fills the staff with His love and joy so that it pours out of us to the community to soften hearts and bring change. The world is a dark place, and the last couple of years have been difficult! But no matter what, when you drive through The Lights ...

Horses: Life Impact

If you have ever felt a horse’s warm breath on your skin or breathed in their scent as you hugged their neck while laying your head on their side, you will know that horses have a way of reaching deep into your soul. They bringing comfort to places in your heart that may be buried under layers of grief, bitterness, rejection, fear, or hurt. Our goal at Warm Beach Horsemanship is to provide as many opportunities as possible for people ...

Power to Please God

Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Philippians 2:12-13 NLT The power to please is something most people value. We appreciate it when someone does something to encourage or bring ...

Not just a Camp, a Sanctuary

Project Sanctuary believes when one person serves the whole family serves. We take a human-centered, solution-based approach to helping military families heal and move forward in life. Through innovative long-term programming focused on connectedness, we restore hope and empower families to recover and thrive. Warm Beach Camp helps us create an environment conducive to healing. With beautiful surroundings and loving staff, the families on our retreats can relax and let down all the walls they have built up. The scenery ...

Just like the Father 

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.  Luke 6:36 NLT  “You are just like your father” or “You are just like your mother” are phrases describing similarities for the better or worse with those who have raised us.    When Jesus says “ just as your Father in Heaven is, so we should be” it is a big statement to receive.  As a Father of 9 children, I know that my contribution to their lives is mixed, because I have done some really good things while also ...

The Lights of Christmas: A Community Event

Our community is a huge part of who we are as The Lights of Christmas. Our staff and volunteers help put the event together, local businesses help with promotion, donors support the big picture, and the people attend the event with their friends and family. Over the last year, we worked to create bigger and brighter displays and I am excited for what we are accomplishing together. Volunteers were here all summer working on new displays like Icicle Falls, The ...

You are so Full of it!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. Colossians 3:16 NLT “You are full of it” is a phrase usually reserved for a ridiculous attitude and opinion in life towards something. It is a statement of sarcasm, humor, and cynicism all wrapped into one. Do you remember ...

Moving Forward Together

We have an opportunity to do something quite extraordinary in these times: Move forward together as we navigate this extended time of pandemic. While various forms of isolation and division have become a new way of living, as a follower of Jesus, we are called to a beautiful way of community that gives us the opportunity to find meaningful and creative ways to move forward together. We don’t do this in rebellion or anger. We move forward together with compassion, ...

Introducing Taylor Hanks

Welcome to Taylor Hanks, our new Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper & HR Administrative Assistant. We are so excited to have her as part of the Staff Family. Taylor recently graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Human Resources and is working toward her Master’s degree in Accounting. Born in Wyoming, she moved to Washington as a teen and has been here ever since. She has 2 brothers and a sister and is currently living in Anacortes. Taylor has a lot of diverse ...

A Summer of Transformation

This summer, Black Diamond Camp hosted 739 Day Campers. Not only did these kids participate in activities like ziplining, swimming, climbing walls, and archery tag, they also experienced God’s Creation and life-changing messages from God’s Word.   Each day, kids arrived with their own joys and excitement and their own set of worries and fears. One of those campers was Conner. Conner was at Camp most of the summer and usually had a go-with-the-flow attitude, but something was just off one ...

Welcome Emily Lambert, Development Systems Coordinator

Please welcome Emily Lambert, our new Development Systems Coordinator  Emily began working at Warm Beach Camp as Summer Staff in 2002. From there, Emily filled many roles: Youth Camp Counselor, Youth Camp Dean, Summer Staff Accommodations, Dining Room Manager, Outdoor Education Director, and many roles in The Lights of Christmas. In 2015 Emily and her family moved to Wenatchee to serve in church ministry.   After six years, Emily, her husband Matt, and four children (Elijah 12, Jonah 10, Asher 8, ...

A Summer of Breakthroughs

Over the past several weeks of Camp ministry, many Campers have made decisions for Christ through Warm Beach Camp Ministries. In just one week of Horsemanship Camp, nine out of 12 Campers made commitments to Christ. At Black Diamond, more than 20 kids made first-time decisions at Day Camp and Group Camps in one week.    Somehow the pandemic has created an environment at Camp, unlike any other year. For lots of kids, it’s the best week they’ve had in two years. Andrew ...